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From theory to reality – Evaluation of suitable organisms and test systems for the biomitoring of pharmaceuticals

In order to identify sensitive organisms, biological endpoints in vivo and suitable in vitro test systems for the biomonitoring of pharmaceuticals, a two-part literature search was conducted. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 64/2014.

Comparison of dung and soil fauna from pastures treated with and without ivermectin as an example of the effects of a veterinary pharmaceutical

Soil organisms in manure or organisms that colonize dung pats can be impacted by the application of veterinary medical products, especially parasiticides, to livestock. For this reason, the authorization process for veterinary medicinal products in the European Union and other countries includes a requirement for “higher-tier” tests when adverse effects on dung organisms can be detected in single-species toxicity tests. However, no guidance documents for the performance of higher-tier tests are available, so far. Therefore, an international research project was undertaken to develop and validate a proposed test method under varying field conditions of climate, soil, and endemic coprophilous fauna. The test took place at Lethbridge (Canada), Montpellier (France), Zurich (Switzerland), and Wageningen (The Netherlands). The aim of the project was to determine if fecal residues of a parasitide with known insecticidal activity (ivermectin) showed similar effects on insects breeding in dung of treated animals, coprophilous organisms in the soil beneath the dung, and rates of dung degradation. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 54/2017.

Do new generations of active pharmaceuticals for human use require an adaption of the environmental risk assessment?, Part I: Literature review

Since 2006, various new active pharmaceutical ingredients have been developed with highly specific mechanisms of action. That raise the question of whether current environmental risk assessment within the scope of the authorization is still sufficient to appropriately assess relevant effects on environmental organisms. In this literature review the scientific basis for a tailored risk assessment was developed and discussed for 3 substance classes (oncology, neurology, cardiology). The proposed assessment includes additional test methods, groups of organisms and alternative endpoints. The practical review of the proposed test approaches is to be carried out using case studies in subproject 2. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 150/2020.

Joint effects of pharmaceuticals and chemicals regulated under REACH in wastewater treatment plant effluents – Evaluating concepts for a risk assessment by means of experimental scenarios

Non-target organisms in the environment are exposed simultaneously to a multitude of substances from various sources. In the aquatic environment, effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) represent a key source for co-incidental mixtures of chemicals from various uses. The aim of the present project was to explore the consideration of mixtures of chemicals released via WWTPs in an Environmental Risk Assessment. Different organisms were exposed in chronic toxicity tests to single substances and various mixtures of them. The results show that the concept of concentration addition (CA) predicts mixture toxicity in effluents sufficiently and for a prospective risk assessment the use of a mixture assessment factor (MAF) could be helpful. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 61/2017.

Environmental hazard of selected TiO2 nanomaterials under consideration of relevant exposure scenarios

This project investigated the ecotoxicological hazard of two different sized TiO2 nanomaterials and one non-nano sized TiO2 reference material to organisms inhabiting different environmental compartments. Following standardized tests (⁠ OECD ⁠ guidelines) were used to investigate the influence of these materials on several test organisms:  Daphnia sp. acute immobilization test (Test No. 202), Fish embryo acute toxicity (FET) test (Test No. 236), Activated sludge, respiration inhibition test (Test No. 209), Earthworm, acute toxicity test (Test No. 207), Earthworm, reproduction test, (Test No. 222). Thereby, different organisms and effect levels (respiration, mobility, mortality, reproduction, embryonic development) were considered. Main focuses of the study were tests under relevant exposure scenarios. Therefore, Daphnia sp. acute immobilization tests and activated sludge tests were performed with solar radiation. Mixture experiments with nano-TiO2 and an organic contaminant were conducted with the acute and chronic earthworm and activated sludge respiration tests. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 72/2014.

Prüfungslücke bei der Biozidbewertung: Wirkungsrelevanz von Repellentien
(Produktart 19) für Nichtzielorganismen (Insektenlarven, Krebse) in Oberflächengewässern, Teil 2: Laborstudie

Lock- und Schreckstoffe (Attraktanzien & Repellentien) werden gezielt gegen Organismen eingesetzt und gelangen auch in die aquatische Umwelt, wo sie Verhaltensänderungen auslösen können. Sie gehören zu den vom Menschen gemachten Chemikalien, die Wasserorganismen so beeinflussen können, dass sie ihre Umgebung anders wahrnehmen. Man spricht in diesem Fall vom Infochemikalien-Effekt. Viele über ihren Geruch wirkenden Stoffe, wie das auf unserer Haut anzuwendende Mückenmittel DEET(Diethyltoluamid), werden bereits in unseren Oberflächengewässern nachgewiesen und ziehen dort möglicherweise Infochemikalien-Effekte nach sich. Am Beispiel von Humanarzneimitteln wie dem Tranquilizer Oxazepam konnte gezeigt werden, dass Stoffe unterhalb der Toxizitätsschwelle zum Beispiel das Schwarmverhalten von Flußbarschen verändern. Auch Neonicotinoide, die in geringen Konzentrationen (unterhalb der Toxizitätsschwelle) kurzzeitig in Fließgewässer eingetragen werden, können dort eine aktive, massenhafte Drift von Wasserorganismen auslösen und damit einen nachteiligen Einfluss auf lokale Populationen ausüben. Repellentien werden in der praktischen Anwendung vor allem gegen Blut saugende ⁠ Gliederfüßer ⁠ wie Stechmücken, Bremsen oder Zecken eingesetzt. Künstliche Repellentien gegen Gliederfüßer sind beispielsweise Diethyltoluamid (DEET), Icaridin (Picaridin) oder IR3535 (Ethylbutylacetylaminopropionat, EBAAP). Auch bei bestimmungsgemäßem Einsatz könnten von Repellentien bisher nicht beachtete Wirkungen auf Nicht-Zielorganismen ausgehen. Um Stoffe mit solchen Effekten aufzuspüren, sind daher neue Teststrategien zu entwickeln und geeignete Testsysteme im Labormaßstab zu etablieren. Das hier durchgeführte Vorhaben leistet dabei einen wichtigen Beitrag, in dem es Testsysteme für ökotoxikologische Fragestellungen anpasst und auf ihre Eignung prüft. Die Ergebnisse des Vorhabens sind für die Umweltbewertung von bioziden Wirkstoffen von großem Interesse. Bisher wurden nur akute und langfristige Effekte auf Nicht-Zielorganismen bewertet, weil das EU-Bewertungs¬konzept für Biozide und Chemikalien keine Bewertung repellenter Wirkungen vorsieht (Bewertungslücke). Bei den drei Repellentien wurden hier keine nachteiligen Umweltwirkungen im Verhalten der Testorganismen und unter den hier eingesetzten Testbedingungen ausgelöst. Dies ist zum Beispiel für den repellenten Wirkstoff DEET wichtig, der aktuell in vielen Haushaltsprodukten enthalten ist. Damit stehen nun erste Testsysteme zur Verfügung, um derartige Wirkungen künftig zuerkennen und gegebenenfalls bei der Bewertung, insbesondere bei Wirkungen auf das Schutzgut ⁠ Biodiversität ⁠, einbeziehen zu können. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 57/2016.

Alge des Jahres 2015: Meersalat (Ulva lactuca)

Algenforscher wählten den in allen Weltmeeren vorkommenden Meersalat (Ulva lactuca) zur Alge des Jahres 2015. Er wächst bandförmig oder wie ein Salatblatt, aber nur wenn Bakterien die Differenzierungs- und Entwicklungsprogramme der Grünalge anwerfen. Weil Ulva ohne die Bakterien kaum wachsen kann, locken die etwa 20 bis 30 Zentimeter langen Algen die richtigen Mikroorganismen in ihre Nähe. Wie Makroalgen und Bakterien, zwei Lebewesen aus völlig verschiedenen Organismengruppen, Informationen miteinander austauschen, fasziniert Chemiker, Biologen und Algenforscher, die derzeit die Art Ulva mutabilis als zukünftigen Modellorganismus etablieren möchten.

Kleines Biomassekraftwerk fuer den Einsatz im laendlichen Raum

Das Projekt "Kleines Biomassekraftwerk fuer den Einsatz im laendlichen Raum" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Arcus Umwelttechnik GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Based on a 60 kg/h laboratory gasifier an increased type is being proposed as demonstration plant. General Information: The test plant runs with different kinds of biomass and is suited to all sizes below 40 mm and to changing humidity content. The gas produced was almost free of tars. A motor had been in operation for several days already. The plant size of the next generation will be 200 kWel and 200 kwth with the special goal to get automatic continuous operation. Here, the gas cleaning subsystem will gain great importance to enable the intended long motor operation . The following partners will cooperate in the project. -ARCUS company (SME ) as the developer of the gasifier and coordinator of the project. The new plant will be installed in the site of the company supplying the company with electricity and heat and feeding the surplus electricity into the grid. -Stork Comprimo comp. (NL) for the gas cleaning subsystem. Comprimo is an experienced engineering company with special know-how in gas cleaning. It designed and installed the gas cleaning for the Dutch power plant Buggenum. -BIBA Institute (D) being experienced in automation, system analysis and renewable energies. BIBA will participate for plant definition, operational permit and evaluation. -Joanneum (AT), an engineering institute being responsible for environmental items will be involved mainly in the definition and specification of the instrumentation for monitoring gas quality and emissions, and in the performance evaluation with respect to efficiency and environmental effects. -Fachhochschule Hannover (D) being responsible for the measurements and evaluation of the motor. -Zeppelin Comp. (D) will supply the motor and will participate in motor engineering but not in the role of partner but supplier to Arcus. Zeppelin is using motors from Caterpiller and modified them for many combined power stations from sizes of 50 kW to more than 1000 kW. It also tested some motors with most qasifier available during the last 10 years, thus providinq a very concentrated know-how on the gas quality needed for long life time. -Regional farmers and the farming organisation will also participate, not as partners, but as suppilers for biomass and for overcoming logistic problems of storage and steady supply. The Arcus comp. has good access to East Europe and plans to exploit the results of the demonstration within the EU-countries and also Eastern countries. Prime Contractor: ARCUS Umwelttechnik GmbH; Freren; Germany.

Entwicklung von Tastensystemen fuer Offshore-Tauchboote - Phase 2

Das Projekt "Entwicklung von Tastensystemen fuer Offshore-Tauchboote - Phase 2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Thyssen Nordseewerke durchgeführt. Objective: The overall aim of the project is to further pursue the development of the key systems of offshore submarines begun in Phase I (TH. 07062/86) in order to attain the level of proven technology. By extensive testing of those systems which are not standard technology on test rigs and in a submarine in real operations, it is intended to obtain sufficient data to gain acceptance from potential users and to qualify the submarine for sub sea work. See projects TH./07062/86 and OG./00064/91. General Information: The project covers the engineering, construction and testing of the systems mentioned below. The programme also includes the engineering for the installation of the test rigs in a submarine. It is planned to install the plant in a existing submarine and test the systems in real sub sea operations in a subsequent Phase III. Energy system: Based on the experience gained on the test rig built in Phase I, a new and improved closed cycle diesel engine of 150 kW will be engineered and built. The improvements are expected to achieve the following: (1) Increase in the specific power output. (2) Improvement of the system efficiency. (3) Reduction in noise level. (4) Higher endurance. After extensive testing of the new closed cycle diesel on the test rig, it is planned to install the plant on a submarine for trials at sea. The engineering for the installation is part of the current project. Life support system: During Phase I a concept for the regenerative CO2 absorption system was established. In the present project a full scale test plant for a full submarine crew is to be engineered, built and tested on a land based rig. Later the equipment will be tested together with the energy system on a submarine in a planned Phase III. Achievements: The technical objectives of this part project with respect to: - increase in specific power output or conversely decrease in space requirements per unit power; - improvement of the system efficiency; - reduction in noise level; - improved reliability and higher endurance were achieved. The test rig achieved a power output in excess of 450 kWe. Life support system: After some initial problems with the behaviour of the amine granules in the absorption beds, the test CO2 control system performed satisfactorily. It achieved 94 per cent of the design rating of 220 l/h (CO2 removal) for a submarine crew of 11 persons at atmospheric conditions of 17 deg. C and 40 per cent r.h. Endurance tests were not performed during the current Phase; these are planned for Phase III.

Ueberpruefung der Durchfuehrbarkeit von Pruefvorschriften und der Aussagekraft der Stufe 1 und 2 des ChemG - Teil IV

Das Projekt "Ueberpruefung der Durchfuehrbarkeit von Pruefvorschriften und der Aussagekraft der Stufe 1 und 2 des ChemG - Teil IV" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Henkel, Zentralressort Forschung und Entwicklung Ökologie durchgeführt. Pruefung von CdCl2 . 1H2O und Atrazin in folgenden Tests: Adsorption/Desorption, Bioakkumulation, Bioabbau (SCAS-Test) Algentest, Daphnientest (21 d), Hoehere Pflanzen, Regenwurm, verlaengerte Toxizitaet an Fischen.

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