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Found 14 results.

Surface deformation and topography data from analogue modelling experiments addressing triaxial tectonics in regions of distributed extension


Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) data from an analogue experiment exploring kinematic coupling of brittle and viscous deformation


Overviews and videos of top view imagery, topography data and DIC analysis results from analogue models of basin inversion


DVC and 3D stereo DIC data from analogue models exploring interaction of viscous flow and surface deformation in rotational rift systems


Experimental data of analogue models addressing the influence of oblique convergence and inheritance on sliver tectonics


Experimental data of analogue models addressing the influence of crustal strength, tectonic inheritance and stretching/ shortening rates on crustal deformation and basin reactivation


3D stereo DIC data from analogue models exploring fault growth and rift propagation in rotational rift systems


Digital Image Correlation of strike slip experiments in wet kaolin at different strain rates and boundary conditions


Digital image correlation data from analogue modelling experiments addressing the influence of basin geometry on gravity-driven salt tectonics at the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Rennes (F)


Digital image correlation data from analogue modelling experiments addressing magma emplacement along simple shear and transtensional fault zones


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