The European Red Lists of species is a review of the conservation status of more than 10 000 European species (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater and marine fishes, butterflies, dragonflies, freshwater molluscs, selected groups of beetles, terrestrial molluscs, vascular plants including medicinal plants, bees, grasshoppers, locusts and crickets, lycopods and ferns), according to IUCN regional Red Listing guidelines applied to the EU28 and to the Pan-European level. New in the 2017 December version of the database is the updated European Red List of saproxylic beetles.
The European Red Lists of species is a review of the conservation status of more than 10 000 European species (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater and marine fishes, butterflies, dragonflies, freshwater molluscs, selected groups of beetles, terrestrial molluscs, vascular plants including medicinal plants, bees, grasshoppers, locusts and crickets, lycopods and ferns), according to IUCN regional Red Listing guidelines applied to the EU28 and to the Pan-European level.
An urban morphological zone (UMZ) is defined as a "set of urban areas laying less than 200 m apart". This layer contains UMZ delineations for Europe, based on Corine Land Cover database. During 2012, the UMZ methodology was updated in order to correct errors derived for the water course as join elements between urban areas. Previous version applied over CLC v15 (and previous version) joined many small urban areas due to the water presence. This fact was erroneous from the landscape and urban perspective as most of those areas remain as urban-rural typologies. Moreover, water courses cannot be considered as roads from the urban morphological view (either from the commuting point of understanding). This new version, known as v16, corrected this effect in the majority of cases.
EEA has reprojected the grid used by EMEP for analyses on air emissions (150*150 km2 and 50*50 km2 grids covering Europe)
EEA has reprojected the grid used by EMEP for analyses on air emissions (150*150 km2 and 50*50 km2 grids covering Europe)
The original EMEP grids have been reprojected into the European standard projection in order to facilitate re-use of EMEP information on air emissions, deposition and critical loads in EEA map products. Organisations responsible for delivering national data to EMEP should always use the grid in polar stereographic projection as provided by EMEP ( EEA has reprojected the grid used by EMEP for analyses on air emissions (150*150 km2 and 50*50 km2 grids covering Europe)