Das Projekt "Mittelmeerprojekt MATER" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Meereskunde, Abteilung Regionale Ozeanographie durchgeführt. The objectives of the project are: - To determine the CFC distribution in the Western Mediterranean Sea to estimate the volume of newly formed deep water and study its spreading. - To search for new areas of deep water formation -Estimation of vertical fluxes - To provide information on spreading pathways and mixing. - Additional tracer measurements (including CFCs) are to be carried out in the Sardinia Channel area to investigate the modification of LIW effected by the Thyrrhenian. - Long-term monitoring of the basin-wide circulation of the deep water and specific aspects of the intermediate water circulation in the western basin. - Long-term monitoring of deep/intermediate water flow through the Sardinia-Tunisia Channel. - Observation of deep/intermediate circulation features in the various basins, in particular the Alboran and Algerian Sea. - Estimation of horizontal mass fluxes. - Basin-wide search for new areas of deep water formation. Prime Contractor: Sabinet d'Etudes Techniques Industrielles et d'Innovations Scientifiques SA; Aix-en-Provence; France.