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Found 13 results.

Creation of simplified state-dependent fragility functions through ad-hoc scaling factors to account for previous damage in a multi-hazard risk context. An application to flow-depth-based analytical tsunami fragility functions for the Pacific coast of South America


Probabilistic inter-scheme compatibility matrices for buildings. An application using existing vulnerability models for earthquakes and tsunami from synthetic datasets constructed using the AeDEs form through expert-based heuristics


RRVS Building survey for building exposure modelling in Valparaiso and Viña del Mar (Chile)


Seismic ground motion fields for six deterministic earthquake scenarios (Mw 8.5-9.0) for Lima (Peru)


Tsunami flow depth in Lima/Callao (Peru) caused by six hypothetical simplified tsunami scenarios offshore Lima


Residential building exposure and physical vulnerability models for ground-shaking and tsunami risk in Lima and Callao (Peru)


Customised focus maps and resultant CVT-based aggregation entities for Lima and Callao (Peru)


Spatial representation of direct loss estimates on the residential building stock of Lima (Peru) from decoupled earthquake and tsunami scenarios on variable resolutions exposure models


Shakyground: a web service to serve GMPE-based ground motion fields


Scripts to generate (1) attribute-based fuzzy scores for SARA and HAZUS building classes, and (2) probabilistic inter-scheme compatibility matrices. An application on the residential building stock of Valparaiso (Chile) for seismic risk applications


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