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Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 1 igenous rocks


Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 2 sedimentary rocks


Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 3 metamorphic rocks


Time series of meteorological stations on an elevational gradient in National Park La Campana, Chile


The South American gravimetric geoid: GEOID2021


The South American gravimetric quasi-geoid: QGEOID2021


Time series of meteorological station data in the EarthShape study areas of in the Coastal Cordillera, Chile


Burrowing vertebrates and invertebrates and their characteristics in Chile


Climate Change Adaptation Programme Peru (PACC II)^Programa de Adaptacion al Cambio Climatico, Fase II (FRA)

Das Projekt "Climate Change Adaptation Programme Peru (PACC II)^Programa de Adaptacion al Cambio Climatico, Fase II (FRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. In response to the high vulnerability of Perus Andes region to climate change the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in collaboration with the Peruvian Ministry of Environment has initiated a programme on climate change adaptation (PACC - Programa de Adaptación al Cambio Climático) in the Cusco and Apurimac regions of the Peruvian Andes. The PACC is implemented by a consortium led by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, supported by Universities in Peru, and a Swiss scientific consortium, that includes Meteodat, Agroscope, the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL-SLF, the University of Geneva, and is led by the University of Zurich. The programme focuses on three main thematic lines which are water resources, food security and natural disasters. The themes are transversal implying important cross-sector effects. The human dimension is integrated in this concept to allow for a more complete view on vulnerabilities to climate change. The interdisciplinary and multi-actor environment of the PACC represents both its strength and complexity. The PACC is a major opportunity to improve the dialogue between the scientific community, implementing agencies, and the political sphere to find more sustainable mechanisms of climate change adaptation. The Swiss scientific consortium supports the Peruvian Universities in data analysis, climate model and scenario development, climate impact and vulnerability assessments in the different thematic fields, in climate change monitoring and information systems, and in teaching courses at the academic level. The second phase of the PACC project is running from June 2013 to December 2016.

Geonetcast for and by developing countries (DEVCOCAST)

Das Projekt "Geonetcast for and by developing countries (DEVCOCAST)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek durchgeführt. Objective: The DevCoCast project aims at involving Developing Countries in the GEONETCast initiative. Many Developing Countries are exposed to serious environmental risks and their need for adequate information is high. Unfortunately, reliable and continuous access to real time environmental information is often lacking. The GEONETCast concept overcomes existing telecommunication limitations and is able to provide reliable and fast access to environmental information. The DevCoCast project will - disseminate existing environmental added-value datasets (both in-situ and satellite based) from various sources in Africa, South- and Central America and Europe in (near) real time and at no cost via GEONETCast to a broad range of user communities in Developing Countries and - promote and support the use of these products. By utilizing the existing EUMETCast dissemination system, we can directly take benefit from the operational infrastructures and from a well developed user base in Africa and South-America. This enables us to focus our effort on the support of the use of the data and building up and maintaining the capacity in Developing Countries which includes training, workshops, networking and outreach. The project sets up a number of pilot cases in Africa, South- and Central America and Asia and is conceived to have a big impact with a limited budget, by building upon existing production (SPOT-VEGETATION a.o.) and dissemination infrastructures (EUMETCast, FengYunCast), existing research projects (GEOLAND, VGT4AFRICA, MERSEA, GOOS, YEOS a.o.) and servicing all relevant environmental end-user communities. The ultimate ambition is to introduce and embed the GEONETCast data in a systematic manner into reporting systems in support of planning and decision making processes. This effort will enable authorities in Developing Countries in fulfilling their increasing monitoring and reporting obligations and help them to better manage their natural resources.

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