Das Projekt "Umweltveraenderungen und Aenderung des subalpinen/alpinen Oekoklins: Erarbeitung eines Evaluierungsmodells unter Zurhilfenahme von Pflanzen und des Bodens" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ville de Geneve, Departement municipal des affaires culturelles, Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques durchgeführt. How does Alpine vegetation and soil react to climate change? The objective of the coordinated project: The objective of the coordinated project 'Environmental changes and modification of the subalpine/alpine ecocline: evaluation with vegetation and soil' is a double one: 1) To study during a middle-long term period a concrete case of the fitting of biotical equilibria, more particularly of plants (cormophytes) towards the modification of abiotical parameters especially climatic modifications, induced by environmental changes in the subalpine-alpine ecocline. 2) To establish a model allowing the evaluation of the modification of the ecocline using plants ('phyto -indicators') and soils ('pedo-indicators'). The response of plants will be studied in an integrated manner at different spatial levels: by the genetic variation and the biology of reproduction at the populations level and by the organisation of the vegetation (bryophytes and vascular plants synusiae, phytocoenoses, vegetation complexes) at the vegetation level. How and when the ecocline is going to react: In the perspective of a response of plants to environmental modifications, the two essential questions to which the project will tend to answer are how and when is the ecocline going to react. The response of plants will be studied following the spatial (geographical) levels going from the elementary coenological unit and the plant population to the great assemblages of vegetation complexes through the different niches (synusiae) in particular phytocoenoses. The studied ecocline will result in a thorough knowledge of the adaptative processes of plants, the functioning of subalpine and alpine ecosystems and their natural variations, the specific and infraspecific plant biodiversity and of the soils. Integration of several different research areas: The analysis of the ecocline requires the integration of several different research areas, in particular reproductive biology, genetics of populations, bryology and bryosociology, phytosociology, landscape ecology, pedology. The choice of the species for analysis, their place in the permanent plots and the setting of the latter will require a dose collaboration of the before mentionned areas.