Das Projekt "Verbesserung des Tria- und Tabakanbaus im Terai, Nepal" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Wissenschaftliches Zentrum Tropeninstitut durchgeführt. Orobanche species are holoparasitic herbs, subsisting on the roots of broadleaf plants, mainly in dry warm climates. Orobanche infection can reduce product quality, i. e. lower sugar content in infected carrots. If crop seeds are contaminated with Orobanche, it is prohibited to market them. Orobanche infestation is generally discovered by the farmer only at a late stage after its emergence, when the parasite has already developed a sizeable underground biomass on the host, resulting in damage. Orobanche as a limiting factor in crop production is reported from more than 50 countries, the majority of which are developing countries. Orobanche aegyptiaca and O. solemsii are damaging Brassica oil crops and tobacco, the two most important export and cash crops of Nepal. Any contribution which can alleviate farm losses in those two crops will have an important impact on Nepal's agriculture. Due to their unique biology, Orobanche plants are one of the most difficult weeds to control and available control measures are very limited. This project emphasizes biological control measures as oppposed to chemical pesticides.
Das Projekt "Biodiesel in oekologisch gefaehrdeten Regionen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gesellschaft für Entwicklungstechnologie durchgeführt. Objective: A marketing experiment for the use of BIODIESEL in two ecologically sensible regions is proposed. A publicity campaign and information to the broad public will help to promote this fuel. General Information: In Germany, State of Saxony, the Nation Park of Erzgebirge/Vogtland; in Italy, Umbria, the town of Terni. The marketing strategy will be based principally on ecological advantages of BIODIESEL with respect to atmospheric pollution (no SO2, reduced smoke, use of oxycat) and to water and soil pollution. BIODIESEL will be used in selected fleets with thorough technical survey. Two different types of BIODIESEL will be used and carefully controlled. Expected Result: Public acceptance of vehicles operated by BIODIESEL in ecologically endangered areas. Acceptance of this fuels by public and private users. Improved experience with quality control and with eventual effects of fuel differences due to different production methods. Improved experience in material compatibility of plastics with BIODIESEL. Marketing strategy for ecologically characteristic market niches defined and demonstrated.