Messstelle betrieben von HANN-MÜNDEN.
Messstelle betrieben von HANN-MÜNDEN.
Messstelle betrieben von HANN-MÜNDEN.
The Global WaterPack is a dataset containing information about open surface water cover parameters on a global scale. The water detection is derived from daily, operational MODIS datasets for every year since 2003. The negative effects of polar darkness and cloud coverage are compensated by applying interpolation processing steps. Thereby, a unique global dataset can be provided that is characterized by its high temporal resolution of one day and a spatial resolution of 250 meter. This collection includes monthly composites of the dataset with information on how often a pixel was detected as open surface water with pixel values between 0 and 31. Furthermore, a reliability layer provides information on the quality of each Global WaterPack pixel.
The Global WaterPack is a dataset containing information about open surface water cover parameters on a global scale. The water detection is derived from daily, operational MODIS datasets for every year since 2003. The negative effects of polar darkness and cloud coverage are compensated by applying interpolation processing steps. Thereby, a unique global dataset can be provided that is characterized by its high temporal resolution of one day and a spatial resolution of 250 meter. This collection includes yearly composites of the dataset with information on how often a pixel was detected as open surface water with pixel values between 0 and 365 (366 for leap years). Furthermore, a reliability layer provides information on the quality of each Global WaterPack pixel.
Dieser Datensatz enthält die Messdaten der Messstelle Treffurt. Horizont: Mittlerer Buntsandstein. Leiter: Pleistozän. Grundwasserkörper: Buntsandsteinbergland - Werra. Messstellen-Art: Bohrung.
Dieser Datensatz enthält die Messdaten der Messstelle Treffurt. Horizont: Bernburg-Folge. Leiter: Unterer Buntsandstein. Grundwasserkörper: Buntsandsteinbergland - Werra. Messstellen-Art: Bohrung.
Dieser Datensatz enthält die Messdaten der Messstelle Sickerode. Leiter: Mittlerer Buntsandstein. Grundwasserkörper: Buntsandsteinbergland - Werra. Messstellen-Art: Quelle.
Dieser Datensatz enthält die Messdaten der Messstelle Hy Großburschla 1/2004. Horizont: Bernburg-Folge. Leiter: Mittlerer Buntsandstein. Grundwasserkörper: Buntsandsteinbergland - Werra. Messstellen-Art: Bohrung.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM-1) and Aqua (EOS PM-1) satellites. The MODIS-EU image mosaic is a seamless true color composite of all Terra and Acqua passes received at DLR during a single day. Daily and Near Real Time (NRT) products are available. For the composite, MODIS channels 1, 4, 3 are used. The channels are re-projected, radiometrically enhanced, and seamlessly stitched to obtain a visually appealing result. Terra passes from north to south across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes the equator south to north in the afternoon. Both MODIS instruments are viewing the entire Earth surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 103 |
Land | 64 |
Type | Count |
Ereignis | 1 |
Förderprogramm | 37 |
Messwerte | 25 |
Text | 72 |
Umweltprüfung | 11 |
unbekannt | 19 |
License | Count |
geschlossen | 58 |
offen | 76 |
unbekannt | 23 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 146 |
Englisch | 5 |
unbekannt | 7 |
Resource type | Count |
Archiv | 6 |
Bild | 3 |
Datei | 24 |
Dokument | 28 |
Keine | 71 |
Webdienst | 3 |
Webseite | 65 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 84 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 116 |
Luft | 60 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 150 |
Wasser | 125 |
Weitere | 157 |