Das Projekt "Denkmal und Energie - Nachkriegsmoderne - Corker Str. 34 a-c - Analyse der Thermischen Behaglichkeit und der Raumluftqualität" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Energietechnik, Professur für Heizungs- und Raumlufttechnik durchgeführt. Das Ziel dieses Teilprojekts war die Untersuchung eines ausgewählten repräsentativen Raumes innerhalb des Gebäudekomplexes Schillerpark in Berlin mit Hilfe gekoppelter Gebäude-, Anlagen und Strömungssimulation. Neben der Modellierung und Simulation des aktuellen Zustandes vor der Sanierung wurden künftige Sanierungskonzepte untersucht und mit dem aktuellen Zustand verglichen. Hierbei kam es sowohl zu einer Bewertung des energetischen Verhaltens als auch zur Berücksichtigung des Verhaltens aus Sicht der thermischen Behaglichkeit und aus Sicht der Luftqualität/Luftführung.
Das Projekt "Thermal perceptions of humans under climate change conditions in moderate and tropical-humid climate" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Meteorologisches Institut, Professur für Meteorologie und Klimatologie durchgeführt. Comparison of methods concerning the quantification of thermal comfort and thermal stress in regions with different climate. The assessment of thermal bioclimate based on the human energy balance requires the estimation of thermal indices by the use of measurements and modeling but also the verification of the results by people based on questionnaires.
Das Projekt "Low Cost and High Efficiency CO2 Mobile Air Conditioning system for lower segment cars (B-COOL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Centro Ricerche Fiat Societa Consortile per Azioni, Vehicle Systems - Cabin & HMI durchgeführt. Objective: The Project objective is the development of a low cost and high efficiency air-conditioning system based on CO2 (R744) as refrigerant fluid. Methods to assess performance, fuel annual consumption and environmental impact will be identified and they will constitute a first step for EU new standards. The EU, as Greenhouse Gas emission reduction measure, proposed the ban for Mobile Air Conditioning systems of fluids having a Global Warming Potential lower than 50 (i.e. R-134a and R-152a) with complementary measures - e.g. measurement of the MAC fuel consumption - This represents a challenge and an opportunity for OEMs and Mobile A/C Suppliers. The CO2 - R-744 when used as a refrigerant - is the favourite candidate to replace the R-134a. Besides safety, reliability and efficiency, the present estimated additional cost, ranging from 70 up to 150 Euro with reference to the low priced car systems, represents a obstacle. The lower priced vehicles constitute up the 70Prozent of the present EU car market, this number will rise up to the 80Prozent with the EU enlargement. A low cost and high efficiency R 744 MAC will support the EU efforts reducing the resistance to the approval of the HFC ban, allowing a rapid diffusion of the new system with the related environmental benefits and making the EU industries more competitive. The consortium composition - 2 major OEMs, 4 suppliers and three acknowledged excellence centres - makes the risk acceptable assuring an effective exploitation. Finally the Project gathers the most skilled European scientists and engineers in this specific field, so high level scientific and technical know how are expected to be produced as well as scientific advances in the dynamic system modelling. This will contribute to strengthen EU industries position in other domains (e.g. domestic air conditioning). The BCOOL project forms a cluster with the project named TOPMACS,focused on innovative adsorption mobile air conditioning systems...