Das Projekt "Teilprojekt: Kalibrierung und Dekonvolution von Bohrlochseismogrammen zur Optimierung von seismischen Gefährdungsanalysen und Bestimmung von Erdbeben-Quellparameter am Beispiel von Wellenformendaten aus dem ICDP-GONAF-Projekt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. In den zurückliegenden 1.5 Jahren des Projektes konzentrierten sich die Arbeiten auf das erste bereits fertiggestellte vertikale Seismometer-Array des ICDP-GONAF-Observatoriums auf der Tuzla Halbinsel im Südosten Istanbuls. Aufgrund des verbesserten Signal-Rausch-Verhältnisses an den Bohrlochseismometern im Vergleich zu den Oberflächenstationen war es möglich, deutlich mehr M kleiner als 0 Mikrobeben zu detektieren. Diese Messdaten stellten die Grundlage für die bereits durchgeführten seismologischen Studien dar. In der hier beantragten Verlängerung werden wir unsere Erdbebendatenbank für das östliche Marmarameer fortlaufend erweitern, indem wir die im Sommer 2014 fertig gestellten Seismometer-Arrays auf der Armutlu-Halbinsel in die Detektionsalgorithmen integrieren, sowie dann auch weitere vier GONAF-Bohrlocharrays, deren Fertigstellung bis Frühjahr 2015 geplant ist. Es wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Bestimmung oberflächennaher Eigenschaften des Tuzla-Standortes, wie z.B. seismische Geschwindigkeiten und Dämpfung, angewendet und angepasst. Dieselben Methoden werden auf die neuen GONAF-Stationen übertragen, um zu verifizieren, ob die Beobachtungen in Tuzla standortspezifisch, oder auch für andere geologische Formationen repräsentativ sind. Die dann erstmals durchgeführte vergleichende Analyse unterschiedlicher Standorte in der Region wird neue Einblicke geben, um die Auswerteverfahren für die Korrektur von Standort-Effekten weiterzuentwickeln. Dies ist z.B. für eine genaue Abschätzung von Erdbeben-Quellparametern essentiell. Darüber hinaus planen wir, Processing-Methoden des Vertical-Seismic Profiling einzusetzen, um die Zweige der Nordanatolischen Verwerfungszone unterhalb des östlichen Marmarameeres abzubilden (passive fault-zone imaging). Dabei wird die lokale Seismizität genutzt, die in kleiner als 20 km Epizentralentfernung von den GONAF-Stationen in Tiefen von 5 bis 20 km auftritt und an den verschiedenen Tiefenstockwerken der GONAF-Arrays registriert wird. Schließlich werden Wellenformen-Registrierungen von erstmals in 300m Tiefe eingesetzten 3-Komponenten 1Hz MARK Seismometern ausgewertet, unter Anderem um verstärkt S-Wellen-Eigenschaften der Region zu untersuchen.
Das Projekt "Poverty-oriented development policy beyond the Millennium Development Goals" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. Development cooperation between northern donors and southern/eastern states is characterised by a variety of approaches, interests, varying degrees of stakeholder involvement, differences in priority setting, and modalities of engagement. Still, these variations are underpinned by a surprisingly similar perception of the causes of underdevelopment and the interventions required to overcome it. Indeed, development in its present guise is based on an understanding of, and guided by, an ontology of inclusive liberalism which differs slightly from the neo-liberal and Washington Consensus paradigms of the 1980s. The core ontology of inclusive liberalism, though, continues to be based on a market-growth paradigm, reflecting, in political economic terms, a capitalist imagination of a developed society . The formation of this mainstream has been supported by recent trends towards donor harmonisation , including procedures such as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. Its core marker, though, are the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which resulted from the 2000 UN Millennium Summit and the widely acclaimed United Nations Millennium Declaration. Amongst others, the MDGs include Goal Nr. 1 (MDG-1) to halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than Dollar1 a day. Enormous efforts were undertaken to implement these goals. However, while only four and a half years remain until 2015, there is still a huge gap between achievements and plans. Disenchantment starts to spread, but also reflection, and it appears that the MDGs - and especially MDG-1 - are becoming a crucial signifier for poverty-oriented development debates for advocates of the development mainstream as well as for critics and radical opponents. We therefore expect the emerging debate on poverty-oriented development policies beyond the MDGs (especially MDG-1) to play a crucial role in the shaping of future development interventions by northern donors as well as the states in the south/east. Thus, the overall goal of our project is to harvest on existing knowledge produced by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research North-South (NCCR N-S) and to produce insights that can critically inform the emerging global debate on poverty-oriented development policies beyond the MDGs. To do so, we established a working group of NCCR N-S researchers for work towards these four objectives: (1) To provide an overview on the positions, dimensions and challenges of the emerging debate; (2) To define core dimensions that emerge in this debate (e.g. the role of the state; of private companies, civic and social movements, the nature of underlying societal visions; etc.); (3) To critically assess these core dimensions based on the knowledge base available with NCCR N-S and beyond. usw.
Das Projekt "Green Cook - internationale Strategie für eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Lebensmitteln" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, Lehrstuhl für Abfallwirtschaft und Abluft durchgeführt. GreenCook is aimed at reducing food wastage and to make the North-West Europe a model of sustainable food management, by in-depth work on the consumer / food relationship thanks to a multisectoral partnership. Food wastage is a challenging problem, directly linked with the question of waste, consumption and climate change. A quarter of the food produced in the world each year ends up in the dustbin, without having been consumed. Food wastage, a reflection of our overconsumption society, also reinforces social inequalities and is ethically unacceptable. The negative impacts of this wastage are real: for households (useless expenditure), for local authorities (overproduction of waste to be treated, increased costs), for the environment (pointless use of resources and pollution), and for the economy (falling prices). There is a pressing need, for consumers to respect food and food producers again, to enjoy the pleasure of healthy and tasty eating again, to rediscover culinary know-how, and to optimise food presentation, storage and conservation. Lately, tools and methods are under experimentation to help consumers to improve their food management while controlling their purchasing power. They aim at changing behaviour or altering the offer (at the supermarket, in the restaurant or in the canteen). It is alas hard for them to be generalised, because of the complexity of the levers that have to be activated. GreenCooks ambition is to create this lever effect, by generating a dynamic that motivates all of the food players and by throwing pathbreaking bridges with the fields of health, welfare and economic development. Its diversified partnership intends to show the added value of united, transversal action, and to influence EU policies, in order to get a new European sustainable food model to emerge. Prime Contractor: Espace Environnement asbl; Charleroi; Belgien.
Das Projekt "Assessment of participatory processes in the creation of spatial plan for the Nature Park Medvednica" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Professur für Landespflege durchgeführt. This research aims to assess the influence of participatory processes on spatial planning of Nature Park Medvednica, a mountainous protected area adjacent to Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia, which tries to hold on to the pressure of the urbanization. Because of the inexistence of spatial plan which is required with the Croatian laws; its area was significantly decreased in 2008. There are already two draft spatial plans made for Nature Park Medvednica but no one actually was brought in the legal system. They were both rejected after the public forums displays. The study will be conducted in a framework of stakeholder analysis, for which a series of in-depth interviews with the stakeholders will be performed, and the data of which will be analyzed in a software appropriate for discourse analysis, probably MAXQDA. The data gained will be regarded upon within the concepts of the social exchange theory, Blau, (1964). The results of the research are expected to provide a detailed insight into stakeholders and their influence on the respective spatial planning process. My main research question is: How do the participatory processes influence the creation of spatial plan for NP Medvednica? Type of research is planned to be applied research, and the purpose of the research is going to be descriptive - explanatory. The time dimension of the research would be cross-sectional, with direction of theorizing on deductive approach. The time span of research is planned to be three years. Unit of analysis would be individuals and groups of stakeholders involved in the Medvednica's spatial planning process, the once who were part of the participation process and also the ones that were neglected in that process. The level of stakeholder's participation may be accessed in this research using the framework of 'ladder of participation' (Arnstein, 1969), which has 8 steps: Manipulation, Therapy, Informing, Consultation, Placation, Partnership, Delegated power and Citizen Control. The respective level of participation is a reflection of stakeholders interest to participate, and also partly of its power. In order to assess the power relations of stakeholders in more detail, the 'Power Tools' ('Stakeholder Power Analysis', 'Stakeholder Power Mapping' and 'The Four Rs') of the International Institute for Environment and Development are planned to be used.
Das Projekt "TXRF- Vakuumkammer mit Probenwechsler (WOBISTRAX) mit Hochleistungsröntgenquelle monochromatischer Mo - Strahlung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Atominstitut (E141) durchgeführt. This specification for this project defines a Total reflection X ray Fluorescence (TXRF) Vacuum chamber with Sample Changer to be used for determination of trace elements/heavy metals in water also seawater analysis after extraction of the salt matrix/liquid and biomedical samples. The Counterpart laboratory will receive a device .particularly working in the field of ultra-trace element analysis. The use of the effect of total reflection of x-rays is the physical basis of the spectrometer using a special high intensive excitation source. This source comprises the high power x-ray source with Mo anode 3kW and a HV power supply. In the next step an efficient multilayer monochromator is used to deliver a high flux of Mo-K-alpha photons. The unit is attached directly to the exit window of the x-ray tube. The chamber houses the sample changer and all units for beam adjustment to achieve the TX conditions. The samples are prepared on specially chosen reflectors either quartz superpolished or a Si wafer by pipetting a volume of several micro l and drying them. In any case, what is being prepared for the counterpart laboratory is an efficient cost effective TXRF spectrometer. The samples specified to be analyzed require a Total reflection X ray Fluorescence (TXRF) Vacuum chamber with Sample Changer to be used for determination of trace elements/heavy metals in water and sea water/liquid and biomedical samples at concentration levels of ng/g and guarantee a large sample throughput. The energy dispersive detector is a Silicon drift detector has a thin be window of 8 um allowing the simultaneous analysis of elements from Na upwards with sufficient efficiency. A multichannelanalyzer stores the spectral data and is designed to control by special software the motion of the sample changer after each sample has been measured. Quantitative analysis of the multielement samples is performed with special software respecting the excitation conditions and sample type as a thin film.
Das Projekt "AIRPOLL: Mathematical Modelling and Advanced Numerical Algorithms for Simulation of Air and Water Pollution - Bilateral German-Vietnamese Initiation Project mathematics in environmental sciences" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Wuppertal, Fachgruppe Mathematik und Informatik, Arbeitsgruppe Angewandte Mathematik: Numerische Analysis durchgeführt. The main goal of the present project is to derive and analyze new numerical schemes for the simulation of the transport and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere or in water. This process can be described by an advection diffusion equation in 3D. However, some simple models of environmental problems can be reduced to a one-dimensional form, e.g. saline and alum intrusion in rivers and canals, air pollution generated by a point source and air quality modelling (ozone, acid rain). Numerical methods will be constructed for the multi-dimensional problems by reducing them to a sequence of one-dimensional problems. Moreover, these schemes must preserve important features of the continuous model, such as the positivity of the solution (monotone schemes). These specially designed difference schemes must be accompanied with artificial boundary conditions to limit the computational domain. Finally, these boundary condition are designed on a discrete level directly for the chosen scheme in order to conserve the monotonicity property and to prevent any unphysical reflection at these boundaries (cf. (DaEh)). In a second task (DEGD) we consider the problems of optimal location of industrial enterprises and optimization of emissions from enterprises for ensuring sanitary environment criteria. Moreover, we study the problem of determination of the coefficients of diffusion and the coefficient of transformation of aerosols. This mathematical study is about how to achieve the growth of enterprise in an environmentally friendly manner (i.e. compatible with environmental protection) since overuse of resources can result in a larger release of pollution into the environment. This environmental problem is especially interesting for fast developing countries, like Vietnam but it is certainly affecting all other regions of the globe.
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Bund | 6 |
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Förderprogramm | 6 |
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offen | 6 |
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Deutsch | 6 |
Englisch | 5 |
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Keine | 3 |
Webseite | 3 |
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Boden | 4 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 6 |
Luft | 3 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 6 |
Wasser | 4 |
Weitere | 6 |