Das Projekt "The iron-snow regime in Fe-FeS cores: a numerical and experimental approach" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Roßendorf, Institut für Fluiddynamik durchgeführt. In the Earth, the dynamo action is strongly linked to core freezing. There is a solid inner core, the growth of which provides a buoyancy flux that drives the dynamo. The buoyancy in this case derives from a difference in composition between the solid inner core and the fluid outer core. In planetary bodies smaller than the Earth, however, this core differentiation process may differ - Fe may precipitate at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) rather than in the center and may fall as iron snow and initially remelt with greater depth. A chemical stable sedimentation zone develops that comprises with time the entire core - at that time a solid inner core starts to grow. The dynamics of this system is not well understood and also whether it can generate a magnetic field or not. The Jovian moon Ganymede, which shows a present-day magnetic dipole field, is a candidate for which such a scenario has been suggested. We plan to study this Fe-snow regime with both a numerical and experimental approach. In the numerical study, we use a 2D/3D thermo-chemical convection model that considers crystallization and sinking of iron crystals together with the dynamics of the liquid core phase (for the 3D case the influence of the rotation of the Fe snow process is further studied).The numerical calculations will be complemented by two series of experiments: (1) investigations in metal alloys by means of X-ray radioscopy, and (2) measurements in transparent analogues by optical techniques. The experiments will examine typical features of the iron snow regime. On the one hand they will serve as a tool to validate the numerical approach and on the other hand they will yield important insight into sub-processes of the iron snow regime, which cannot be accessed within the numerical approach due to their complexity.
Das Projekt "Beach sand deposits on the coast of southern Norway as a natural experimental setup to test hypotheses on soil development and luminescence dating" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. Beach sand deposits are widespread in the area around Sandefjord, at the western coast of the Oslofjord, southern Norway. The age of the deposits continuously increases with elevation, as the area has been subject to steady glacio-isostatic uplift throughout the Holocene. Existing local sea level curves provide age control related to elevation. Thus, the area offers excellent conditions to test hypotheses on soil formation and OSL dating. A chronosequence covering the last 10 000 years will be established. A preliminary study showed that soil formation leads to Podzols within 4300 - 6600 years. Micromorphological analyses suggest that clay illuviation takes place before and below podzolisation. It is hypothesised that clay translocation goes on contemporarily with podzolisation, but at greater soil depth, where the chemical conditions are suitable. This hypothesis will be proved by more detailed micromorphological investigation and chemical analyses. The factors controlling soil forming processes and their rates, will be determined by analyzing elemental composition, primary minerals and clay mineralogy. Preliminary OSL dating tests suggest that the beach sand deposits are OSL dateable despite the high latitude. This hypothesis will be checked by comparing OSL datings to ages derived from the 14C-based sea level curves.
Das Projekt "Improving the Livelihood of the Rural Population through the Production of Bushmeat in Ghana" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Background: Ghanas transition forests, neighbouring savannahs and timber plantations in the Ashanti region face a constant degradation due to the increased occurrence of fires. In most cases the fires are deliberately set by rural people for hunting purposes. Main target is a cane rat, here called grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus), whose bushmeat is highly esteemed throughout the country. The animal is a wild herbivorous rodent of subhumid areas in Africa south of the Sahara. The grasscutter meat is an important source of animal protein. Existing high-value timber plantations (mainly Teak, Tectona grandis) are affected by fires for hunting purposes. Thus resulting in growth reduction, loss of biomass or even complete destruction of the forest stands. It became obvious that solutions had to be sought for the reduction of the fire risk. Objectives: Since 2004 the Institute for World Forestry of the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products, Hamburg, Germany is cooperating with a Ghanaian timber plantation company (DuPaul Wood Treatment Ltd.) the German Foundation for Forest Conservation in Africa (Stiftung Walderhaltung in Afrika) and the Center for International Migration with the purpose to improve the livelihood of the rural population in the surroundings of the forest plantation sites and simultaneously to safeguard and improve the timber plantations. The introduction of grasscutter rearing systems to local farmers accompanied by permanent agricultural and agroforestry practices appeared to be a promising approach for the prevention of fires in the susceptible areas. Additionally a functioning grasscutter breeding system could contribute to the improvement of food security, development of income sources and the alleviation of poverty. The following measures are implemented: - Identification of farmers interested in grasscutter captive breeding, - Implementation of training courses for farmers on grasscutter rearing, - Delivery of breeding animals, - Supervision of rearing conditions by project staff, - Development of a local extension service for monitoring activities, - Evaluation of structures for grasscutter meat marketing. Results: After identification of key persons for animal rearing training courses were successfully passed and animals were delivered subsequently. Further investigations will evaluate the effects of the grasscutter rearing in the project region. This will be assessed through the - Acceptance of grasscutter rearing by farmers, - Success of the animal caging, - Reproduction rate, - Meat quality, - Marketing success of meat, - Reduction of fire in the vicinity of the timber plantations, - Improvement of peoples livelihood.
Das Projekt "Soil colour spectra of prehistoric pit fillings as a new analytical tool to measure changing soil characteristics over time on a regional scale" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz (INRES), Bereich Bodenwissenschaften, Allgemeine Bodenkunde und Bodenökologie durchgeführt. Prehistoric pits are filled with ancient topsoil material, which has been preserved there over millennia. A characteristic of these pit fillings is that their colour is different depending on the time the soil material was relocated. Soil colour is the result of soil forming processes and soil properties, and it could therefore indicate the soil characteristics present during that specific period. To the best of our knowledge, no investigation analysed and explained the reasons for these soil colour changes over time. The proposed project will investigate soil parameters from pit fillings of different archaeological periods in the loess area of the Lower Rhine Basin (NW-Germany). It aims to implement the measurement of colour spectra as a novel analytical tool for the rapid analyses of a high number of soil samples: the main goal is to relate highresolution colour data measured by a spectrophotometer to soil parameters that were analysed by conventional pedogenic methods and by mid infrared spectroscopy (MIRS), with a main focus on charred organic matter (BPCAs). This tool would enable us to quantify the variation of soil properties over a timescale of several millennia, during different prehistoric periods at regional scale and for loess soils in general. Detailed information concerning changing soil properties on a regional scale is necessary to determine past soil quality and it helps to increase our understanding of prehistoric soil cultivation practices. Furthermore, these information could also help to increase our understanding about agricultural systems in different archaeological periods.
Das Projekt "Forschergruppe (FOR) 1806: The Forgotten Part of Carbon Cycling: Organic Matter Storage and Turnover in Subsoils (SUBSOM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bochum, Geographisches Institut, Arbeitsgruppe Bodenkunde und Bodenökologie durchgeführt. We are currently facing the urgent need to improve our understanding of carbon cycling in subsoils, because the organic carbon pool below 30 cm depth is considerably larger than that in the topsoil and a substantial part of the subsoil C pool appears to be much less recalcitrant than expected over the last decades. Therefore, small changes in environmental conditions could change not only carbon cycling in topsoils, but also in subsoils. While organic matter stabilization mechanisms and factors controlling its turnover are well understood in topsoils, the underlying mechanisms are not valid in subsoils due to depth dependent differences regarding (1) amounts and composition of C-pools and C-inputs, (2) aeration, moisture and temperature regimes, (3) relevance of specific soil organic carbon (SOC) stabilisation mechanisms and (4) spatial heterogeneity of physico-chemical and biological parameters. Due to very low C concentrations and high spatio-temporal variability of properties and processes, the investigation of subsoil phenomena and processes poses major methodological, instrumental and analytical challenges. This project will face these challenges with a transdisciplinary team of soil scientists applying innovative approaches and considering the magnitude, chemical and isotopic composition and 14C-content of all relevant C-flux components and C-fractions. Taking also the spatial and temporal variability into account, will allow us to understand the four-dimensional changes of C-cycling in this environment. The nine closely interlinked subprojects coordinated by the central project will combine field C-flux measurements with detailed analyses of subsoil properties and in-situ experiments at a central field site on a sandy soil near Hannover. The field measurements are supplemented by laboratory studies for the determination of factors controlling C stabilization and C turnover. Ultimately, the results generated by the subprojects and the data synthesized in the coordinating project will greatly enhance our knowledge and conceptual understanding of the processes and controlling factors of subsoil carbon turnover as a prerequisite for numerical modelling of C-dynamics in subsoils.
Das Projekt "Flowering time, development and yield in oilseed rape (Brassica napus): Sequence diversity in regulatory genes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung I, Professur für Pflanzenzüchtung durchgeführt. Flowering time (FTi) genes play a key role as regulators of complex gene expression networks, and the influence of these networks on other complex systems means that FTi gene expression triggers a cascade of regulatory effects with a broad global effect on plant development. Hence, allelic and expression differences in FTi genes can play a central role in phenotypic variation throughput the plant lifecycle. A prime example for this is found in Brassica napus, a phenotypically and genetically diverse species with enormous variation in vernalisation requirement and flowering traits. The species includes oilseed rape (canola), one of the most important oilseed crops worldwide. Previously we have identified QTL clusters related to plant development, seed yield and heterosis in winter oilseed rape that seem to be conserved in diverse genetic backgrounds. We suspect that these QTL are controlled by global regulatory genes that influence numerous traits at different developmental stages. Interestingly, many of the QTL clusters for yield and biomass heterosis appear to correspond to the positions of meta-QTL for FTi in spring-type and/or winter-type B. napus. Based on the hypothesis that diversity in FTi genes has a key influence on plant development and yield, the aim of this study is a detailed analysis of DNA sequence variation in regulatory FTi genes in B. napus, combined with an investigation of associations between FTi gene haplotypes, developmental traits, yield components and seed yield.
Das Projekt "Indonesian Throughflow variability on sub-orbital timescales during Marine Isotopes Stages (MIS) 2 and 3" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Abteilung Angewandte Geophysik durchgeführt. This project will provide quantitative estimates of the flow of low-salinity warm water through the Indonesian Gateway on suborbital timescales during MIS 2 and 3 (focusing on Dansgaard Oeschger (D-O) oscillations) and will assess the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) s impact on the hydrography of the eastern Indian Ocean and global thermohaline circulation during this critical interval of high climate variability. ITF fluctuations, associated with sea level change, temperature and salinity variations in the West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) strongly influence precipitation over Australia, the strength of the southeast-Asian summer monsoon, and the intensity of warm meridional currents in the Indian Ocean. We will test the hypothesis that increased ITF is associated with warm interstadials of MIS 3, whereas a strong reduction in ITF occurred during stadials. We will use as main proxies planktonic and benthic foraminiferal isotopes in conjunction with Mg/Ca temperature estimates and radiogenic isotopes (mainly Nd) as tracers of Pacific water masses along depth transects in the Timor Passage and the eastern Indian Ocean. This project will provide the paleoceanographic framework that will be crucial to validate and refine circulation models of D-O events and high-frequency climate variability on a global scale.
Das Projekt "Variabilität des Ostasiatischen Monsuns während der letzten 65.000 Jahre - laminierte Seesedimente aus dem Sihailongwan-Maarsee, NE-China" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. Laminierte Seesedimente sind unschätzbare Informationsquellen zur Geschichte der Umwelt und des Klimas direkt aus der Lebenssphäre des Menschen. Ein exzellentes Beispiel dafür ist der Sihailongwan-Maarsee aus NE-China. In einem immer noch dicht bewaldeten Vulkangebiet gelegen, bieten seine Sedimente ein ungestörtes Abbild der Monsunvariationen über zehntausende von Jahren. Nur die letzten ca. 200 Jahre zeigen einen deutlichen lokalen anthropogenen Einfluss. Das Monsunklima der Region mit Hauptniederschlägen während des Sommers und extrem kalten Wintern unter dem Einfluss des Sibirischen Hochdrucksystems bildet die Voraussetzung für die Bildung von saisonal deutlich geschichteten Sedimenten (Warven), die in dem tiefen Maarsee dann auch überwiegend ungestört erhalten bleiben. Insbesondere die Auftauphase im Frühjahr bringt einen regelmässigen Sedimenteintrag in den See, der das Gerüst für eine derzeit bis 65.000 Jahre vor heute zurückreichende Warvenchronologie bildet. Für das letzte Glazial zeigen Pollenspektren aus dem Sihailongwan-Profil Vegetationsvariationen im Gleichklang mit bekannten klimatischen Variationen des zirkum-nordatlantischen Raumes (Dansgaard-Oeschger-Zyklen) zu dieser Zeit. Der Einfluss dieser Warmphasen auf das Ökosystem See war jedoch sehr unterschiedlich. So sind die Warven aus den Dansgaard-Oeschger (D/O) Zyklen 14 bis 17 mit extrem dicken Diatomeenlagen (hauptsächlich Stephanodiscus parvus/minutulus) denen vom Beginn der spätglazialen Erwärmung zum Verwechseln ähnlich, während Warven aus dem D/O-Zyklus 8 kaum Unterschiede zu überwiegend klastischen Warven aus kalten Interstadialen aufweisen. Gradierte Ereignislagen mit umgelagertem Bodenmaterial sind deutliche Hinweise auf ein Permafrost-Regime während der Kaltphasen. Auch während des Spätglazials treten deutliche klimatische Schwankungen auf, die der in europäischen Sedimentarchiven definierten Gerzensee-Oszillation und der Jüngeren Dryas zeitlich exakt entsprechen. Das frühe Holozän ist von einer Vielzahl Chinesischer Paläoklima-Archive als Phase mit intensiverem Sommermonsun bekannt. Überraschenderweise sind die minerogenen Fluxraten im Sihailongwan-See während des frühen Holozäns trotz dichter Bewaldung des Einzugsgebietes sehr hoch. Sowohl Mikrofaziesanalysen der Sedimente als auch geochemische Untersuchungen deuten auf remoten Staub als Ursache dieses verstärkten klastischen Eintrags hin. Der insbesondere in den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmende Einfluss des Menschen zeigt sich in den Sedimenten des Sihailongwan-Maarsees vor allem in einem wiederum zunehmenden Staubeintrag und einer Versauerung im Einzugsgebiet. Der anthropogene Einflusss auf die lokale Vegetation ist immer noch gering.
Das Projekt "Structure and electronic transport properties of metallic liquids at conditions of planetary cores" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Experimentelle Geochemie und Geophysik, Bayerisches Geoinstitut durchgeführt. Electrical conductivity is a key parameter in models of magnetic field generation in planetary interiors through magneto-hydrodynamic convection. Measurements of this key material parameter of liquid metals is not possible to date by experiments at relevant conditions, and dynamo models rely on extrapolations from low pressure/temperature experiments, or more recently on ab-initio calculations combining molecular dynamics and linear response calculations, using the Kubo-Greenwood formulation of transport coefficients. Such calculations have been performed for Fe, Fe-alloys, H, He and H-He mixtures to cover the interior of terrestrial and giant gas planets. These simulations are computationally expensive, and an efficient accurate scheme to determine electrical conductivities is desirable. Here we propose a model that can, at much lower computational costs, provide this information. It is based on Ziman theory of electrical conductivity that uses information on the liquid structure, combined with an internally consistent model of potentials for the electron-electron, electron-atom, and atom-atom interactions. In the proposal we formulate the theory and expand it to multi-component systems. We point out that fitting the liquid structure factor is the critical component in the process, and devise strategies on how this can be done efficiently. Fitting the structure factor in a thermodynamically consistent way and having a transferable electron-atom potential we can then relatively cheaply predict the electrical conductivity for a wide range of conditions. Only limited molecular dynamics simulations to obtain the structure factors are required.In the proposed project we will test and advance this model for liquid aluminum, a free-electron like metal, that we have studied with the Kubo-Greenwood method previously. We will then be able to predict the conductivities of Fe, Fe-light elements and H, He, as well as the H-He system that are relevant to the planetary interiors of terrestrial and giant gas planets, respectively.
Das Projekt "Development and risk assessment of transgenic environmentally-friendly insect pest control methods for fruit flies and mosquitoes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Institut für Phytopathologie und Angewandte Zoologie, Abteilung Angewandte Entomologie durchgeführt. Various species of pest insects cause substantial damage to agriculture every year, or transmit deadly diseases to animals and humans. A successful strategy to control pest insect populations is based on the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), which uses the release of mass-reared, radiation sterilized male insects to cause infertile matings and thus reduce the pest population level. However, irradiation is not applicable to every insect species. Thus, new strategies based on genetic modifications of pest insects have been developed or are currently under investigation.The goal of the proposed research is to improve the development and ecological safety of genetically engineered (GE) insects created for enhanced biological control programs, including the SIT and new strategies based on conditional lethality. A major concern for GE insect release programs is transgene stability, and maintenance of their consistent expression. Transgene loss or intra-genomic movement could result in loss of strain attributes, and may ultimately lead to interspecies movement resulting in ecological risks. To address potential transgene instability, a new transposon vector that allows post-integration immobilization will be tested in the Mediterranean, Mexican and Oriental fruit fly tephritid pest species. In addition, the system will be established in the mosquito species Aedes and Anopheles - carriers of dengue and malaria.Random genomic insertion is also problematic for GE strain development due to genomic position effects that suppress transgene expression, and insertional mutations that negatively affect host fitness and viability. Diminished transgene expression could result in the unintended survival of conditional lethal individuals, or the inability to identify them. To target transgene vectors to defined genomic insertion sites having minimal negative effects on gene expression and host fitness, a recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) strategy will be developed that. RMCE will also allow for stabilization of the target site, will be tested in tephritid and mosquito species, and will aid to the development of stabilized target-site strains for conditional lethal biocontrol. This will include a molecular and organismal evaluation of an RNAi-based lethality approach. Lethality based on an RNAi mechanism in the proposed insects would increase the species specificity and having multiple targets for lethality versus one target in existing systems. By seeking to improve transgene expressivity and stabilization of transposon-based vector systems, this proposal specifically addresses issues related to new GE insects by reducing their unintended spread after field release, and by limiting the possibilities for transgene introgression.
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Bund | 404 |
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Förderprogramm | 404 |
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Deutsch | 404 |
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Webseite | 115 |
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Boden | 360 |
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