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WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2010 - PUBLIC VERSION - version 1.7, Jul. 2024

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 1st River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the abovementioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 1st RBMPs which were due in 2010 (hereafter WFD2010). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/521 for further information on the WFD2010 reporting. It was prepared to support the reporting of the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/715 for further information on the WFD2016 reporting. See also https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/766 for information on the Environmental Quality Standards Directive - Preliminary programmes of measures and supplementary monitoring. The data reported in WFD2010 were updated using data reported in WFD2016, whenever the spatial objects are identical in 2010 and 2016. For WFD2010 objects, some information may be missing, if the objects no longer exist in the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, and were not reported in WFD2016. Where available, spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022) was used to update the WFD2016 data. See https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/780 for further information on the WFD2022 reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2016 - PUBLIC VERSION - version 1.7, Jul. 2024

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 2nd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/715 for further information on the WFD2016 reporting. See also https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/766 for information on the Environmental Quality Standards Directive - Preliminary programmes of measures and supplementary monitoring. Where available, spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022) was used to update the WFD2016 data. See https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/780 for further information on the WFD2022 reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2022 - INTERNAL VERSION - version 1.7, Jul. 2024

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 3rd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. This data set is available only for internal use of the European Commission and the European Environment Agency. Please enter the publicly available version to access data: https://sdi.eea.europa.eu/catalogue/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/bce2c4e0-0dad-4c42-9ea8-a0b82607d451 The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/780 for further information on the WFD2022 spatial reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive

The WISE WFD reference spatial datasets contain information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the monitoring sites located in surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The dataset includes EU Member States, Norway and Iceland.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2010 - INTERNAL VERSION - version 1.7, Jul. 2024

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 1st River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the abovementioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. This data set is available only for internal use of the European Commission and the European Environment Agency. Please search for "PUBLIC VERSION" in the dataset title to access the publicly available version. The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 1st RBMPs which were due in 2010 (hereafter WFD2010). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/521 for further information on the WFD2010 reporting. It was prepared to support the reporting of the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/715 for further information on the WFD2016 reporting. See also https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/766 for information on the Environmental Quality Standards Directive - Preliminary programmes of measures and supplementary monitoring. The data reported in WFD2010 were updated using data reported in WFD2016, whenever the spatial objects are identical in 2010 and 2016. For WFD2010 objects, some information may be missing, if the objects no longer exist in the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, and were not reported in WFD2016. Where available, spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022) was used to update the WFD2016 data. See https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/780 for further information on the WFD2022 reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2022 - PUBLIC VERSION - version 1.7, Jul. 2024

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 3rd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/803 for further information on the WFD2022 reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2016 - INTERNAL VERSION - version 1.7, Jul. 2024

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 2nd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. This data set is available only for internal use of the European Commission and the European Environment Agency. Please use the "PUBLIC VERSION": https://sdi.eea.europa.eu/catalogue/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/a0731ebf-6bcc-4afe-bab0-39e7aa88eaba for external use. The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/715 for further information on the WFD2016 reporting. See also https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/766 for information on the Environmental Quality Standards Directive - Preliminary programmes of measures and supplementary monitoring. Where available, spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022) was used to update the WFD2016 data. See https://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/780 for further information on the WFD2022 reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2016

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 2nd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/715 for further information on the WFD2016 reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2010

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 1st River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the abovementioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 1st RBMPs which were due in 2010 (hereafter WFD2010). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/521 for further information on the WFD2010 reporting.

WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2022

The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 3rd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022). See http://rod.eionet.europa.eu/obligations/780 for further information on the WFD2022 spatial reporting.

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