Das Projekt "Entwicklung des WAM als Dritte Generation des Wellenmodells" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. We propose to carry out a detailed wave model hindcast simulation for the Wave Dynamic Experiment (WADE) off the US East Coast. We assume that we would obtain from the WADE Group the basic bottom topography data and the wind field. We would then run the model and carry out the hindcast comparison with all available wave data from the experiment. The intercomparison between observations and wave model output would be carried out jointly in cooperation with the WADE Group. Although the third generation wave model has been extensively tested with available wind fields and wave observations, we feel that a detailed, comprehensive test against a really critical data set would be very valuable. All available data sets have only limited accuracy in the input driving wind field and only limited, normally one-dimensional spectral, information on the wave field. WADE should provide greatly enhanced sea-truth data both on the wind field and, in particular, on the two-dimensional wave spectrum, through the use of new experimental techniques such as the Surface Contouring Radar. Also, the spatial density of the wave instrumentation should greatly improve the interpretation of the model results, in particular with respect to the inhomogeneity of the wind and wave fields, which has often plagued past hindcast analyses. Features of the WAM model which require closer analysis are: 1) The input source function. The present wind input function represents a straightforward translation of the field data of Snyder et al into surface stress instead of the wind speed at 5 m height. A number of alternative, more sophisticated input source functions have been recently propos...
Das Projekt "WAM (Wellenmodellierung): Fundamentale Aspekte der Ozean-Wellen-Modellierung zur Applikation in einem Modell der Dritten Generation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. In recent years the European wave modelling community has developed a new third generation wave model (WAM). This model, based on physical principles, compares favourably with existing second generation models. To make further progress, it is necessary to get a better insight in the air-sea and sea-bottom interaction processes, that determine wave growth and attenuation. Fundamental research into these processes will lead to a better parametrization of the source terms in the wave model and thus to a better performance. In the proposed research an important role will be played by data assimilation, enabling the use of ERS-1 satellite data.