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A comprehensive dataset of vegetation states, fluxes of matter and energy, weather, agricultural management, and soil properties from intensively monitored crop sites in Western Germany


Field observations of green LAI in the Rur catchment (Germany) for winter wheat, sugar beet, and maize, 2008 - 2012


Green LAI of arable land in the Rur catchment (Germany) from simulation on 150 m spatial resolution for the year 2011


Modelled LAI of Maize, Sugar Beet, Winter Wheat and Winter Barley for the northern part of the Rur catchment (2009)


Development of Tools for Positioning Fungicide Treatments to Control Eyespot and Powdery Mildew of Winter Wheat, and White Mould and Black Leg (Phoma lingam) of Oilseed Rape^Developpement d'aides a la decision de l'intervention fongide contre le pietin-verse et l'oidium du ble d'automne, la sclerotiniose et la chancre du collet (Phoma lingam) du colza (FRA)

Das Projekt "Development of Tools for Positioning Fungicide Treatments to Control Eyespot and Powdery Mildew of Winter Wheat, and White Mould and Black Leg (Phoma lingam) of Oilseed Rape^Developpement d'aides a la decision de l'intervention fongide contre le pietin-verse et l'oidium du ble d'automne, la sclerotiniose et la chancre du collet (Phoma lingam) du colza (FRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Station federale de recherches en production vegetale de Changins durchgeführt. Developper des systemes de prevision du risque de maladie utilisable au moment du traitement. Pietin-verse du ble: prevision au stade BBCH 31. Oidium du ble: definir le seuil de maladie conduisant a un risque grave et le moment du traitement, en tenant compte de la variete et de la region (climat). Sclerotiniose du colza: prevision aux stades BBCH 61-65. Phoma du colza: prevision en automne, eventuellement a la fin de l'hiver. Completer le projet FAL 'Methodes et strategies durables de lutte contre les parasites et ravageurs'. (FRA)