Die Daten enthalten die Anbauflächen im Land Brandenburg, auf denen kein Anbau von gentechnisch verändertem Mais erfolgen darf. Sie dienen lediglich der Übersicht und besitzen keine Rechtsverbindlichkeit. Für die Anforderung rechtsverbindlicher Angaben sind ggf. Angaben des Antragstellers einzelfallbezogen erforderlich. Die Anbauflächen von GVO werden in einem zentralen Melderegister vom Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) als deskriptiver Datenbestand erfasst. Dieser Datenbestand lässt derzeit eine Visualisierung der Anbauflächen über ein GIS nicht zu. Das Bundesland Brandenburg beabsichtigt im Rahmen der Pflichten u.a. des Umweltinformationsgesetzes (UIG) diesen Datenbestand den Bürgern zugänglich zu machen. Des Weiteren soll ein auswertbarer geographischer Grundlagendatenbestand angelegt werden, der z.B. für Wirkungsabschätzungen (z.B. Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen) auf Schutzgebiete des Europäischen Schutzgebietssystems Natura 2000 vorbereitet. Die Daten enthalten die Anbauflächen im Land Brandenburg, auf denen kein Anbau von gentechnisch verändertem Mais erfolgen darf. Sie dienen lediglich der Übersicht und besitzen keine Rechtsverbindlichkeit. Für die Anforderung rechtsverbindlicher Angaben sind ggf. Angaben des Antragstellers einzelfallbezogen erforderlich. Die Anbauflächen von GVO werden in einem zentralen Melderegister vom Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) als deskriptiver Datenbestand erfasst. Dieser Datenbestand lässt derzeit eine Visualisierung der Anbauflächen über ein GIS nicht zu. Das Bundesland Brandenburg beabsichtigt im Rahmen der Pflichten u.a. des Umweltinformationsgesetzes (UIG) diesen Datenbestand den Bürgern zugänglich zu machen. Des Weiteren soll ein auswertbarer geographischer Grundlagendatenbestand angelegt werden, der z.B. für Wirkungsabschätzungen (z.B. Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen) auf Schutzgebiete des Europäischen Schutzgebietssystems Natura 2000 vorbereitet.
Gerade für Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Vorbelastungen ist eine möglichst saubere Luft sehr wichtig. Die Ausgabe 01/2017 der Zeitschrift UMID informiert über die vorläufigen Luftmessdaten der Länder und des Umweltbundesamtes ( UBA ) für das Jahr 2016 und diskutiert die Zusammenhänge von Luftbelastungen mit der Lungenerkrankung COPD. Ein weiterer Beitrag erläutert, wie es drei Jahrzehnte nach dem Reaktorunfall in Tschernobyl um die Belastung von Wildpilzen mit radioaktivem Cäsium-137 steht. Außerdem stellt die neue Ausgabe die Informationsplattform IPCheM vor, mit der ein zentraler Zugang und umfangreiche Recherchemöglichkeiten zu Daten des chemischen Monitorings in Europa zur Verfügung stehen und berichtet über die Wirksamkeitsprüfung von Kopflausmitteln am Umweltbundesamt. Die Zeitschrift UMID: Umwelt und Mensch – Informationsdienst erscheint zweimal im Jahr und informiert über aktuelle Themen aus Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin und Verbraucherschutz. Die Onlineversion des UMID kann kostenfrei abonniert werden. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
OECD Test Guidelines (TG) are internationally standardized methods for testing chemicals. Industry, academia and authorities use the data collected with these methods for the evaluation of chemicals (such as industrial chemicals) with regard to their hazards to humans and the environment. Therefore, it is necessary that the TGs be continuously expanded and updated to reflect the state of the art in science and technology. However, a regular review of the OECD TGs has not been provided for in the current procedure so far. The aim of the present project was therefore to identify the OECD TGs that do not currently correspond to the state of the art in science and technology. For this purpose, only the OECD TGs that are used for the assessment of effects on the environment were considered. Based on a detailed questionnaire, a comprehensive survey was conducted to identify the need for revision. Proposals for revising TGs were evaluated in a second survey. Both surveys were open to all interested parties from industry, academia, contract laboratories, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agencies. After completion of the surveys, the results were discussed in three thematic workshops. Recommendations for the revision of the OECD TGs were developed and prioritized, which were finally presented to the members of the Working Party of National Coordinators for the OECD Test Guidelines Programme (WNT). Veröffentlicht in Texte | 72/2023.
This report analyses and critically reviews assumptions on natural carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and storage potentials with a view to the objectives of the EU Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry ( LULUCF ) and Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) legislation agreed until February 2024. Therefore, EU impact assessment reports that were published over a period of eight years were analysed and compared with estimates in the scientific literature. It shows that potentials from the impact assessments are rather at the lower end of the range. While highest CDR potentials for 2050 in studies underlying the EU legislation assume -400 to -500 Mt CO 2 eq, literature studies often operate in the range of -500 to -600 Mt CO 2 eq, with one estimate reaching almost -800 Mt CO 2 eq. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 35/2024.
The EU Commission committed itself to include emissions from shipping into the existing EU reduction commitment if no international agreement was achieved on a global level. To this aim the EU COM considered four regional policy options in an impact assessment (2011). In this discussion paper the impact of these policy options on GHG emissions has been analysed, concluding that a carefully designed emissions trading scheme (ETS) is the best option from an environmental point of view. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 49/2012.
Before linking emissions trading systems, there should be a good understanding of the expected economic implications: How could linking affect the development of the common allowance price, the development of emissions or industrial production, capi-tal flows or liquidity? Answering these questions requires a multitude of data and as-sumptions and therefore usually the use of economic models. This report gives an overview of various economic models that are suitable for as-sessing the economic effects of linking. It analyses the economic indicators relevant for the assessment of the effects of linking, formulates requirements for economic mo-dels to answer this question, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different modelling approaches and gives an assessment of which models are suitable in prin-ciple for the assessment of linking. Five models were selected for a more detailed de-scription: E3ME, GEM-E3, PACE, POLES, and TIMES-MARKAL. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 08/2019.
The study analyses the coverage of environmental impacts in EU impact assessments and identifies lessons for Germany and the European Union. The focus is on how environmental effects – qualitatively, quantitatively and in monetary terms – are taken into account in the EU impact assessment process, especially in comparison to economic and social impacts. The results show that although the assessment of environmental impacts has improved significant challenges remain. First, not all environmental impacts are adequately considered in the decision making process. Second, the quantification and monetisation of environmental impacts could be improved by investing in models and data collection. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 96/2017.
Beyond area-based land footprint indicators, additional information is needed to assess the sustainability of land use. This report discusses extensions of area-based land footprints with meaningful impact-oriented indicators for the assessment of the effects of different consumption patterns on the ecosystems and sustainability of land use. It discusses: System indicators, which considers globally very different potential land productivities, deforestation footprint, energy use in agriculture, and irrigation water use in agriculture. It introduces the methods developed for the quantification of system indicators for cropland and grassland footprints and for the deforestation footprint, and presents results for Germany and the EU. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 79/2017.
Tropospheric ozone is considered as the most significant phytotoxic pollutant in the atmosphere. While it has been shown that ozone concentrations have significant adverse effects on crop yields, forest growth and species composition, the impacts of ozone on biodiversity are uncertain. The project aims to assess the impacts of O3 on vegetation and biodiversity in Germany. For this purpose, the present study provides (i) a synthesis of current knowledge on the effects of O3 on biodiversity and ecosystem services through a comprehensive literature study and (ii) an analysis of methods and uncertainties in concentration-based and flux-based approaches in O3 risk assessments (critical levels), including validation studies for different vegetation types. Modelling and mapping approaches are used to evaluate the O3 risk for vegetation in Germany at both local and regional scale. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 71/2015.
This report assesses options for the effective implementation of sustainable development impact assessment, in the context of climate change mitigation mechanisms such as those of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. To ensure that these mechanisms contribute to sustainable development in the host country, it is necessary to measure this effect. The results of the project show how and which indicators at project level can be used in a targeted manner for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV). In this way, tools are made available to decision-makers and project developers in voluntary and mandatory markets to substantiate the sustainable effect of market mechanisms. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 46/2020.
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