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Forschungen zur Biologie (Verhalten, Oekologie) der Kleintrappe (Tetrax tetrax)

Das Projekt "Forschungen zur Biologie (Verhalten, Oekologie) der Kleintrappe (Tetrax tetrax)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Frisch durchgeführt. Objective: Elaboration of a scientific basis for protection of an endangered species listed in annex 1 of the council directive on protection of birds. General Information: Investigations about the ecology of little bustard (tetrax tetrax), started in spring 1980 in the Crau (Southern France), will be continued in winter 1982/83: habitat selection, human influence to habitat selection, feeding biology, wintering behaviour. In this part of the programme close cooperation with Michel metals, LPO, France. Investigations about the ecology of tetrax tetrax in the reproduction season in Spain and Portugal and in the Crau in summer 1982 and summer 1983 started already in march 1981. Investigations about behaviour and breeding biology of tetrax tetrax in Spain and Portugal: - social structure of the populations; - behaviour of the individual birds, social behaviour; - breeding behaviour, breeding biology and development of chicks. Use of transmitter marked birds, of cine-camera for single-frame-analyses, of video-tape recorder. This kind of study will be mainly done in Spain and Portugal, because working by radio-tracking and some other methods can not be done in the very small little bustard-populations in France without endangering the populations. In Spain and Portugal exist the only populations of little bustard, what can guarantee the long-time survival of the species. Results from the Spanish and Portuguese population can also be used for the very important protection of tetrax inside the EC-countries.