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Found 53 results.

Experimental data on Long-term Isostatic Relaxation of Large Terrestrial Impact Structures: Structural Characteristics Inferred from Scaled Analogue Experiments at the UHH-Tec Modelling Lab of the Universität Hamburg


A database of physical experiments, fieldwork information, and a seismic line applied on the eastern Domeyko Cordillera, northern Chile


Surface deformation and topography data from analogue modelling experiments addressing triaxial tectonics in regions of distributed extension


Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) data from an analogue experiment exploring kinematic coupling of brittle and viscous deformation


Overviews and videos of top view imagery, topography data and DIC analysis results from analogue models of basin inversion


Particle image velocimetry data from seismotectonic analog models focusing on the role of seamount subduction on megathrust seismicity


Time-lapse imagery, digital image correlation (DIC) and topographic analysis of laboratory experiments simulating the evolution of the East African Rift System


A novel method for analogue modelling of lithospheric-scale rifting, monitored through X-Ray CT-scanning, at the University of Bern Tectonic Modelling Laboratory (Switzerland)


Digital image correlation (DIC) and X-Ray CT analyses of lithospheric-scale analogue models of continental rifting


A database of centrifuge analogue models testing the influence of inherited brittle fabrics on continental rifting


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