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Die Basensättigung veranschaulicht den Anteil der Pflanzennährstoffe Calcium, Magnesium, Kalium und Natrium an der Gesamtheit der an den Bodenaustauschern gebundenen Stoffe (Kationen) und ist ein wichtiger bodenchemischer Kennwert zur Beurteilung des Basenzustandes von Waldböden. Der Tiefenverlauf der Basensättigung wird an Hand der Kurvenverläufe in 5 Typen unterschieden.

A database of enhanced-gravity analogue models examining the influence of pre-existing fabrics on the evolution of oblique rift


WMO Basins and Sub-Basins

WMO Basins and Sub-Basins (WMOBB) is an ongoing GIS project of the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). This dataset was created for the generation of GRDC map products and will be updated from time to time whenever extensions are required by future GRDC projects. At present the dataset comprises GIS layers of WMO Basins 2020 and WMO River Networks 2020.

BASIS: Ein Feldexperiment von BALTEX

Das Projekt "BASIS: Ein Feldexperiment von BALTEX" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Meteorologisches Institut durchgeführt. Das Projekt BASIS (Baltic-Air-Sea-Ice Study) ist ein Unterprojekt von BALTEX (Baltic Sea Experiment). BASIS zielt generell auf ein verbessertes Verstaendnis und eine verbesserte Modellierung des Energie- und Wasserkreislaufes in und ueber der Ostsee unter winterlichen Bedingungen. Spezielles Ziel ist es, einen experimentellen Datensatz zu gewinnen und zu analysieren zur Verifikation und Verbesserung gekoppelter Atmosphaere-Eis-Ozean-Modelle. Dazu fand unter Beteiligung von finnischen, schwedischen und deutschen Forschungsgruppen aus den Bereichen Maritime Meteorologie, Physikalische Ozeanographie, Meereisforschung und Fernerkundung im Februar/Maerz 1998 ein umfangreiches Feldexperiment im Bottnischen Meerbusen statt.

Abschaetzung der Konsequenzen globaler Veraenderungen fuerdie Barentsee-Region: Die Barentsee-Wirkungs-Studie

Das Projekt "Abschaetzung der Konsequenzen globaler Veraenderungen fuerdie Barentsee-Region: Die Barentsee-Wirkungs-Studie" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Münster, Institut für Geophysik durchgeführt. BASIS aims to provide an integrated assessment of global change impacts on cultural and socio-economic systems dependent on renewable and non-renewable resources in the Barents Sea region. This main goal is going to be addressed through the following objectives: 1) BASIS will assess the likely magnitude of global changes on regional to sub-regional scales in the Barents region, 2) BASIS is going to provide insight into the consequences of global changes for terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, 3) BASIS aims to develop an integrated assessment of global change impacts for a number of major economic sectors (fishery, forestry, reindeer herding) in the Barents region, 4) BASIS will determine major changes in the socio-economic structure of the Barents region and will determine the conditions for a sustainable development in the region under conditions of global change. Thus, BASIS addresses both impacts of global changes on the environmental and societal level within a 20 to 50 years time frame in the Barents region. We explicitly do not limit our considerations to climate alone and will also include the impacts of contaminants on the region. Research activities embrace and combine: extensive base case studies in relevant sectors on both levels, biological and hydrological field work, the modelling of major environmental (marine) and socio-economic processes and the generation of predictive scenarios of development under conditions of global change. An important element of the study will be a dedicated, collectively accessible (via the Internet) data base and GIS infrastructure, which will also be open to other interested parties. The information and consultation of local and indigenous stakeholders and their feedback with regard to the implementation and execution as well as the results of BASIS will comprise an essential element of the study. BASIS involves 17 partners and is organized in four task each comprised of three subtasks: Task 1) Ocean climate and fisheries. Task 2) Impacts of global change on major terrestrial natural resources, permafrost dynamics and the hydrological regime. Task 3) The integrated effects of global changes on the socio-economic system of the Barents region and conditions for sustainable development in the region. Task 4) Integration/synthesis, data collection/dissemination and stakeholder involvement. The BASIS subtasks are, by necessity, ie , by the interdisciplinary nature of the issues addressed, closely linked and require extensive exchange and collaboration between the study partners. This will be facilitated trough regular communication and meetings as well as through the aforementioned BASIS data base/GIS. BASIS contributes to area 1,1,4; 1,1,4,2 and area 4.3 of the 4th EC Framework Programme in the Field of Environment and Climate. The main benefits to be gained can be summarized on two levels ...