Das Projekt "Sustainable Landfill Gas Emission Reduction in Addis Ababa" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Centre for Development Research (CDR) durchgeführt. Innovative greenhouse gas reduction can be achieved with different approaches. In the following initiative, the focus is put on prevention of methane emissions due to adequate collection and recycling of biogenous solid waste in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To achieve a sustainable prevention of the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) due to continuation of adequate source separated collection and composting of solid biogenous waste in AA, the project empowers vulnerable target groups (waste collectors, single mothers to be employed at the compost site) through trainings, job creation and via provision of soft measures (e.g. creating a bank account, develop skills in entrepreneurship and marketing, frequent medical checks etc.) to become more resilient in their activities. Building on results achieved in previous projects this initiative strengthens the existing partnerships and establishes linkages between appropriate solid waste management and urban agriculture to enhance food security and health in AA. Main objectives are: - Provide multi-stakeholder training and capacity development in source-separated collection of biogenous wastes, compost production and application in urban agriculture and small-scale farming; - Scaling-up of best practices for composting to other sub-cities of AA and recording the amount of compost produced on different sites for compensation of CO2 equivalents; - Scientific backstopping by BOKU experts will feed into research and teaching activities.