Das Projekt "Explosion models evaluation project" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Battelle Ingenieurtechnik Eschborn durchgeführt. Objective: The objective of the project is to clearly evaluate and document the current status of consequence models relevant to vapour cloud explosions and to further develop the understanding of the response of equipment and structures to explosions. This will provide confidence in assessing risks and designing/protecting against such hazards. General Information: Vapour cloud explosions and resulting damage to equipment and structures represent a serious threat to escalating an initial incident into a potential disaster with resulting damage to life and the environment. The use of simulation models provides information to assess hazards and to ensure appropriate mitigation systems and measures are used or implemented to reduce the risk of major industrial processes. To assess the consequences of a vapour cloud explosion it is necessary to consider the vapour cloud explosions themselves (Project Theme VCE), the resulting net loading received by equipment and structures (Project Theme RL), and the mechanical integrity of equipment and structures (Project Theme SR). The objective of the project will be achieved through the following activities: 1. identify on a European basis the extent and availability of explosion consequence models; 2. develop a model evaluation protocol relating to each of the three project themes; 3. agree and document test cases that permit the evaluation of models relating to three project themes; 4. carry out an evaluation of available models based on the protocols and test cases developed under activities 1 and 2 above in the three areas; 5. identify any area of deficiency or concern; 6. produce a full and clear report on the conclusions of the project. Prime Contractor: Steel Construciton Institute; Ascot; Unitek Kingdom.