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Found 13 results.

Biogenic silica - fine fraction

Biogenic silica in the fine fraction in % in the German Baltic Sea. For further information look at the link map instruction.

Fine fraction (< 63 µm)

Fine fraction (in the german Galtic Sea. For further information look at the link map instruction.

Lead - fine fraction

Lead in the fine fraction in mg/kg in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.

Zinc - fine fraction

Zinc in the fine fraction in mg/kg in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.

Coper - fine fraction

Coper in the fine fraction in mg/kg in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.


Sampling points for fine fraction in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.

Mercury - fine fraction

Mercury in the fine fraction in µg/kg in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.

Organic carbon - fine fraction

Organic carbon in the fine fraction in % in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.

Arsenic - fine fraction

Arsenic in the fine fraction in mg/kg in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.

Nitrogen - fine fraction

Nitrogen in the fine fraction in % in the german Baltic Sea.For further information look at the link map instruction.

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