This paper presents various fuel options in maritime transport, examines their production processes, sustainability aspects, infrastructure requirements, production costs and looks at the energy required for production.
Das Projekt "Climate change - terrestrial adaption and mitigation in Europe (CCTAME)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis durchgeführt. Objective: The project will assess the impacts of agricultural, climate, energy, forestry and other associated land-use policies, considering the resulting feed-backs on the climate system. Geographically explicit biophysical models together with an integrated cluster of economic land-use models will be coupled with regional climate models to assess and identify mitigation and adaptation strategies in European agriculture and forestry. The role of distribution and pressures from socio-economic drivers will be assessed in a geographically nested fashion. Crop/trees growth models operating on the plot level as well as on continental scales will quantify a rich set of mitigation and adaptation strategies focusing on climatic extreme events. The robustness of response strategies to extreme events will further be assessed with risk and uncertainty augmented farm/forest enterprise models. Bioenergy sources and pathways will be assessed with grid level models in combination with economic energy-land-use models. The results from the integrated CC-TAME model cluster will be used to provide: quantitative assessments in terms of cost-efficiency and environmental effectiveness of individual land-use practices; competitive LULUCF mitigation potentials taking into account ancillary benefits, trade-offs and welfare impacts, and policy implications in terms of instrument design and international negotiations. The proposed structure of the integrated CC-TAME model cluster allows us, to provide an evaluation of policy options at a great level of detail for EU25(27) in a post-Kyoto regime, as well as to offer perspectives on global longer-term policy strategies in accordance with the principles and objectives of the UNFCCCC. Close interactions with policymakers and stakeholders will ensure the policy relevance of CC-TAME results.