Darstellung der Außengrenze der in Schleswig-Holstein zur Neuausweisung geplanten Trinkwasserschutzgebiete. Die Darstellung entspricht dem jeweiligen Kenntnis- und Planungsstand.
Die vorliegenden Daten entsprechen den Darstellungen des Landschaftsrahmenplans-SH 2019. Unter Umständen sind mittlerweile aktuellere Datensätze verfügbar.
Das Projekt "High density power electronics for FC- and ICE-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrains (HOPE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siemens AG durchgeführt. Objective: The project HOPE is addressing power electronics. It is based on previous EU research projects like the recently finished FW5 HIMRATE (high-temperature power modules), FW5 PROCURE (high-temperature passive components), and MEDEA+ HOTCAR (high-temperature control electronics) and other EU and national research projects. The general objectives of HOPE are: Cost reduction; meet reliability requirements; reduction of volume and weight. This is a necessity to bring the FC- and ICE-hybrid vehicles to success. WP1 defines specifications common to OEM for FC- and ICE-hybrid vehicle drive systems; Identification of common key parameters (power, voltage, size) that allows consequent standardisation; developing a scalability matrix for power electronic building blocks PEBBs. The power ranges will be much higher than those of e.g. HIMRATE and will go beyond 100 kW electric power. WP2 works out one reference mission profile, which will be taken as the basis for the very extensive reliability tests planned. WP3 is investigating key technologies for PEBBs in every respect: materials, components (active Si- and SiC switches, passive devices, sensors), new solders and alternative joinings, cooling, and EMI shielding. In WP4 three PEBBs will be developed: HDPM (high density power module) which is based on double side liquid cooling of the power semiconductor devices; IML (power mechatronics module), which is based on a lead-frame technology; and SiC-PEBB inverter (silicon carbide semiconductor JFET devices instead of Si devices). WP5 develops a control unit for high-temperature control electronics for the SiC-PEBBs. Finally WP6 works on integrating the new technologies invented in HOPE into powertrain systems and carries out a benchmark tests. All the results achieved in HOPE will be discussed intensively with the proposed Integrated Project HYSIS where the integration work will take place. It is clear from the start that many innovations are necessary to meet the overall goal.
Das Projekt "DOAS Messungen von der NASA Global Hawk während des NASA-ATTREX Projektes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. The present project addresses differential optical absorption spectrometry (DOAS) measurements in scanning limb geometry from aboard the unmanned high-flying aircraft NASA Global Hawk (GH). The DOAS measurements are made within the NASA sponsored ATTREX (Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment) project, by a 3 channel (UV/vis/nearer) optical spectrometer financed by NASA, but mostly built in Heidelberg. In fall 2011 and winter 2012/13 successful flights were already successfully performed and the DOAS instrument peformed. Within ATTREX three field campaigns are planned to take place in the Western Pacific (from EAFB, GUAM, and Darwin) in the years 2013 to 2014 (Jan./Feb. 2013, Jan./Feb. 2014 and June/July 2014). The field campaigns comprise about 50 GH sorties with 600 flight hours spent air-borne. Major scientific foci of the NASA-ATTREX project are the photochemistry, the microphysics of aerosols and cloud particles, and air mass transport into and within the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). The DOAS measurements aim to measure the vertical profiles in the TTL of ozone relevant species such as O3, HONO, NO2, C2H2O2, CH2O, O4, BrO, OClO, IO, and OIO, and of some microphysical properties aerosols and clouds, i.e., the particle phase function, Mie scattering extinction coefficient, the ice water path (IWP) and probably the ice water content (IWC). Together with complementary observations made by other instruments aboard the GH, the DOAS measurements may serve to particularily provide new insights into (a) the photochemistry of halogen oxides (OClO, BrO and IO) in the TTL, in particular on the contribution of so called halogenated Very Short Lived Species (VSLS) to the budgets of stratospheric halogens, (b) the impact of lightning produced NOx and HOx (NO2, and HONO) and other of radicals (c.f. CH2O, BrO, IO) to the oxidation capacity of air in the outflow region of deep convection, and (c) to the abundance and micro-physical properties of frozen aerosols and cloud particles in the upper tropical troposphere and TTL.
Das Projekt "The iron-snow regime in Fe-FeS cores: a numerical and experimental approach" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Roßendorf, Institut für Fluiddynamik durchgeführt. In the Earth, the dynamo action is strongly linked to core freezing. There is a solid inner core, the growth of which provides a buoyancy flux that drives the dynamo. The buoyancy in this case derives from a difference in composition between the solid inner core and the fluid outer core. In planetary bodies smaller than the Earth, however, this core differentiation process may differ - Fe may precipitate at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) rather than in the center and may fall as iron snow and initially remelt with greater depth. A chemical stable sedimentation zone develops that comprises with time the entire core - at that time a solid inner core starts to grow. The dynamics of this system is not well understood and also whether it can generate a magnetic field or not. The Jovian moon Ganymede, which shows a present-day magnetic dipole field, is a candidate for which such a scenario has been suggested. We plan to study this Fe-snow regime with both a numerical and experimental approach. In the numerical study, we use a 2D/3D thermo-chemical convection model that considers crystallization and sinking of iron crystals together with the dynamics of the liquid core phase (for the 3D case the influence of the rotation of the Fe snow process is further studied).The numerical calculations will be complemented by two series of experiments: (1) investigations in metal alloys by means of X-ray radioscopy, and (2) measurements in transparent analogues by optical techniques. The experiments will examine typical features of the iron snow regime. On the one hand they will serve as a tool to validate the numerical approach and on the other hand they will yield important insight into sub-processes of the iron snow regime, which cannot be accessed within the numerical approach due to their complexity.
Das Projekt "Water use characteristics of bamboo (South China)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Burckhardt-Institut, Abteilung Waldbau und Waldökologie der Tropen durchgeführt. Bamboos (Poaceae) are widespread in tropical and subtropical forests. Particularly in Asia, bamboos are cultivated by smallholders and increasingly in large plantations. In contrast to trees, reliable assessments of water use characteristics for bamboo are very scarce. Recently we tested a set of methods for assessing bamboo water use and obtained first results. Objectives of the proposed project are (1) to further test and develop the methods, (2) to compare the water use of different bamboo species, (3) to analyze the water use to bamboo size relationship across species, and (4) to assess effects of bamboo culm density on the stand-level transpiration. The study shall be conducted in South China where bamboos are very abundant. It is planned to work in a common garden (method testing), a botanical garden (species comparison, water use to size relationship), and on-farm (effects of culm density). Method testing will include a variety of approaches (thermal dissipation probes, stem heat balance, deuterium tracing and gravimetry), whereas subsequent steps will be based on thermal methods. The results may contribute to an improved understanding of bamboo water use characteristics and a more appropriate management of bamboo with respect to water resources.
Das Projekt "Pasture rehabilitation on, and management of degraded areas in the Andes of South Ecuador" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Fachgruppe Biologie, Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER), Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenphysiologie durchgeführt. Project abstract: This knowledge transfer project will be centered in the San Francisco valley in the South Ecuadorian Andes. However, the problem of abandoning pastures because of heavy infestation by weeds, in particular by bracken fern (Pteridium spec.), is a general issue in the tropical Andes. Pastures which have been abandoned for that reason amount meanwhile to 11Prozent of the area of the San Francisco valley. Infestation by bracken fern and shrubs is a consequence of the traditional use of fire for clearing of the natural forest and pasture management. Growth of both, bracken and woody weeds, is fostered by recurrent burning. In a 2-phase experiment on a heavily bracken-infested slope at c. 2000 m altitude, substantial control of the weed and subsequent pasture rehabilitation could be achieved. In the planned project, this procedure shall be scaled-up to farm level and the altitudinal range of repasturisation shall be extended from 1000 m to 2400 m altitude. To that end local farmers will put respective parts of their land to the projects disposal and public authorities will provide man-power. There are several challenges to be met: (i) Long-term bracken infestation has depleted the soils from nutrients, in particular P and N. Therefore targeted fertilization is needed for profitable grass productivity. (ii) Since bracken can never be completely eradicated, its regrowth must be suppressed by trampling, i.e. frequent grazing. A sustainable grazing management has to be developed which corresponds to soil fertility. (iii) The dominating pasture grass is the C4-type grass Setaria sphacelata. It is growing well in a warm climate but its competitive strength in the harsher climate above 2000 m is low. Bracken as a C3-type plant is less dependent on the temperature. To this adds that it occurs in 2 species in the area, one of which is an upland type. Thus the climate gradient over the elevational transect will influence the competitive strength of both competitors. Therefore the suitability of the traditional monoculture of this grass species for pasture rehabilitation shall be tested in the context of a comprehensive pasture management experiment which the farmers will be involved. (iv) A special problem is the high oxalate concentration in the growing parts of the Setaria leaves which can cause calcaemia in cattle. In a pot experiment which will be run in collaboration with a research team of the UTPL, feeding quality and toxicity of a monotonous diet of Setaria will be tested. Beside the experimental areas, demonstration sites will be installed where regular training workshops will be organized to encourage the farmers to apply the developed rehabilitation and management strategy to their own farms.
Das Projekt "Sustainable energy management systems (SEMS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Trier - Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of this project is to turn 4 core communities (Germany, Austria, Luxemburg, Poland) with clearly defined system borders and 14 - 20.000 inhabitants each into CONCERTO communities. A mix of different EE and RES demonstrations (including refurbishment of old buildings, eco-buildings and polygeneration, all underpinned with complete business plans) will allow to avoid about 300 GWh/yr end energy from fossil sources, thus avoiding 94.000 tons CO2/yr, and saving 22.9 mio Euro/yr of disbursements for extra-communal electricity and heat deliveries. The application of the Decentralised Energy Management System (DEMS) will allow for local and inter-communal operation, monitoring and control of energy consumption, storage and generation units and grids, including DSM and LCP, thereby exploring a EE potential of at least 5Prozent. The target in RES coverage for 2010 is of resp. 39 to 62Prozent of the then remaining electricity and heat demand. EnerMAS, a low-threshold version of the European environmental management system.
Das Projekt "Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. In a modern aero engine, up to 20Prozent of the main annulus flow is bled off to perform cooling and sealing functions. The vicinity of these bleed ports and flow sinks is characterised by complex unsteady swirling flows, which are not fully understood. Even the most up-to-date numerical tools have difficulties predicting the behaviour of the secondary flow system when interacting with the main annulus. The project addresses interactions between main gas path and secondary flow systems in commercial gas turbines in response to Research Activity AERO-2005- Concepts and technologies for improving engine thermal efficiency and reducing secondary air losses. Experiments are planned on turbine disc rim and compressor manifold cavity heat transfer, hot gas ingestion, and spoiling effects of cooling air flow and their impact on turbine and compressor performance, as well as a reduction of secondary air losses. The experimental data will be used for better understanding of the complex flow phenomena and improvements of platform and cavity design. Furthermore, the industrial partners will validate their design tools with these test data and improve their prediction capability of secondary flow systems when interacting with the main gas path. The expected results are a reduction of cooling and sealing airflow rates, improvements of the turbine and compressor efficiency and increase of the safety margin of the engine components by better cooling. Expected technical results are: - Knowledge of the interaction phenomena and its effect on cavity heat transfer, spoiling and performance, - Experimental results for validation of improved numerical tools for secondary flow systems, - Optimised design methods and CFD best practice guidelines. The targeted outcome will contribute to the ACARE goal of reduced CO2 emissions via reduced fuel burn of 2Prozent to improve the environment and strengthening the competitiveness of European gas turbine manufacturers.
Das Projekt "Co-estimation of the Earth main magnetic field and the ionospheric variation field" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Potsdam, Institut für Mathematik durchgeführt. The aim of this project is to co-estimate models of the core and ionosphere magnetic fields, with the longer-term view of building a 'comprehensive' model of the Earths magnetic field. In this first step we would like to take advantage of the progresses made in the understanding of the ionosphere by global M-I-T modelling to better separate the core and ionospheric signals in satellite data. The magnetic signal generated in the ionosphere is particularly difficult to handle because satellite data provide only information on a very narrow local time window at a time. To get around this difficulty, we would like to apply a technique derived from assimilation methods and that has been already successfully applied in outer-core flow studies. The technique relies on a theoretical model of the ionosphere such as the Upper Atmosphere Model (UAM), where statistics on the deviations from a simple background model are estimated. The derived statistics provided in a covariance matrix format can then be use directly in the magnetic data inversion process to obtain the expected core and ionospheric models. We plan to apply the technique on the German CHAMP satellite data selected for magnetically quiet times. As an output we should obtain a model of the ionospheric magnetic variation field tailored for the selected data and a core-lithosphere field model where possible leakage from ionospheric signals are avoided or at least reduced. The technique can in theory be easily extended to handle the large-scale field generated in the magnetosphere.