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GEMS/Water Open Global Water Quality Dataset

This dataset comprises data from the GEMStat database that are available under an open data license (CC BY 4.0 or equivalent). It is made available on the Zenodo repository. GEMStat provides access to freshwater quality data. The data are voluntarily provided by countries and organizations worldwide within the framework of the GEMS/Water Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The dataset includes more than 20 Million measurement from over 13,000 stations and covering more than 600 different parameters and spans the time period from 1906 to 2023. This represents over 70% of all GEMStat data, further data is only available under more restricted data licenses. GEMStat is operated by the GEMS/Water programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and hosted at the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) and the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). The data in GEMStat is provided by National Hydrological Services of UN member states.

GEMS/Water Open Global Water Quality Dataset

This dataset comprises data from the GEMStat database that are available under an open data license (CC BY 4.0 or equivalent). It is made available on the Zenodo repository. GEMStat provides access to freshwater quality data. The data are voluntarily provided by countries and organizations worldwide within the framework of the GEMS/Water Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The dataset includes more than 20 Million measurement from over 13,000 stations and covering more than 600 different parameters and spans the time period from 1906 to 2023. This represents over 70% of all GEMStat data, further data is only available under more restricted data licenses. GEMStat is operated by the GEMS/Water programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and hosted at the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) and the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). The data in GEMStat is provided by National Hydrological Services of UN member states.

Visualisierung abfallwirtschaftlicher Best Practice Beispiele

Zielstellung der Entwicklung ist es, Fachleuten und der interessierten Öffentlichkeit Projekttätigkeiten im Bereich des Abfalltechnologietransfers übersichtlich darzustellen. So werden in einer interaktiven Karte Projektträger, Projektstandorte und deren Wirkbereiche visualisiert. Zusätzlich können Informationen wie Kontaktdaten, Projektlaufzeiten oder Projektsteckbriefe über die Karte abgefragt und heruntergeladen werden. Durch dieses ressortübergreifende Angebot wird zudem die Abstimmung und Kooperation zwischen Projektbeteiligten erleichtert.

Acting globally - internationale Aktivitäten des Umweltbundesamtes

Diese Broschüre gibt einen Überblick über die Arbeitsweise des Umweltbundesamts, seine wichtigsten Funktionen und Aufgaben im internationalen Kontext. Sie stellt beispielhaft wichtige Abkommen, Programme und Vereinbarungen vor und macht deutlich, wie Deutschland sich innerhalb der EU und international für den Schutz von Gesundheit, Umwelt und Klima engagiert. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de

GEMStat Dashboard

The GEMStat Dashboard visualizes the water quality of global water bodies on different spatial and temporal scales, based on data from the GEMStat Database . Available data includes the parameters dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and pH, all core parameters of the UN SDG 6.3.2 water quality indicator. The data are voluntarily provided by countries and organizations worldwide within the framework of the GEMS/Water Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) .

Global Runoff Data Centre Download Portal

The GRDC Data Portal is for web-based selection and download of river discharge data collected by GRDC on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Calibrate your hydrological model, evaluate model results, or validate remote sensing data with in-situ data.

GEMStat Data Portal

The GEMStat Data Portal provides access to freshwater quality data and statistical vizualisations at different spatial scales. The data are voluntarily provided by countries and organizations worldwide within the framework of the GEMS/Water Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) .

Global Runoff Data Centre

The Global Runoff Data Centre is an International data centre operating under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Its primary objective consists in supporting the water and climate related programmes and projects of the United Nations, its specialised agencies and the scientific research community by collecting and disseminating hydrological data across national borders in a long-term perspective.

Annual Characteristics and Long-Term Statistics of Global Runoff Data Centre Timeseries Data

The Annual Characteristics and Long-Term Statistics offer basic hydrological statistics of timeseries data of the gauging stations being represented in the Global Runoff Database. Annual characteristics are derived from monthly discharge data, either through aggregated daily data or originally provided monthly data. Long-term statistics and long-term variability are derived from annual characteristics too.

TanDEM-X Forest/Non-Forest Map - Global

The TanDEM-X Forest/Non-Forest Map is a project developed by the Microwaves and Radar Institute at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), within the activities of the TanDEM-X mission. The goal is the derivation of a global forest/non-forest classification mosaic from TanDEM-X bistatic interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data, acquired for the generation of the global digital elevation model (DEM) in Stripmap single polarization (HH) mode. The TanDEM-X Forest/Non-Forest Map (FNF) has been generated by processing and mosaicking more than 500,000 TanDEM-X bistatic images acquired from 2011 until 2015. The map has a spatial resolution of 50 x 50m. Forested and non-forested areas are depicted in green and white, respectively. Water bodies are depicted in blue and black is used for identifying urban areas and invalid pixels. For more information, please visit: https://www.dlr.de/hr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-12538/21873_read-50027/

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