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Climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerabilities, Lancet Countdown indicators

This series refers to datasets related to climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerabilities in Europe based on the Lancet Countdown indicators on health and heat; extreme events and health; and climate-sensitive infectious disease.

Climatic suitability for non-cholera Vibrio outbreaks (2003-2021), Apr 2023

This metadata refer to the dataset presenting the annual change in the percentage of coastal area per European country that is suitable for infections from vibrio species between 2003 and 2021. Vibrio bacteria can lead to severe gastrointestinal infections, skin and ear infections, and more severe health outcomes, including necrotising fasciitis, amputation, sepsis, and death. In Europe, cases have steadily increased over the years in countries with national surveillance; however, vibriosis is not a notifiable disease in the EU. Increasing sea temperatures have led to higher percentages of coastal areas with brackish waters in Europe showing suitable conditions for the transmission for non-cholerae Vibrio bacteria.