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EU27_2020 basemap for EEA internal use

This Discomap web map service provides an EU-27 (2020) basemap for internal EEA use as a background layer in viewers or any other web application. It is provided as REST and as OGC WMS services, dynamic and cached. The cached service has a custom cache at the following scales: 1/50.000.000 1/42.000.000 1/36.000.000 (Europe's size) 1/30.000.000 1/20.000.000 1/10.000.000 1/5.000.000 1/2.500.000 1/1.000.000.

EEA basemap

This Discomap web map service provides an EU-27 (2020) basemap for internal EEA use as a background layer in viewers or any other web application. It is provided as REST and as OGC WMS services, dynamic and cached. The cached service has a custom cache at the following scales: 1/50.000.000 1/42.000.000 1/36.000.000 (Europe's size) 1/30.000.000 1/20.000.000 1/10.000.000 1/5.000.000 1/2.500.000 1/1.000.000.

Geographic Information System of the European Commission (GISCO)

This metadata refers to the whole content of GISCO reference database, which contains both public datasets (also available for the general public through http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata) and datasets to be used only internally by the EEA (typically, but not only, GISCO datasets at 1:100k).

Geographic Information System of the European Commission (GISCO) - full database, May 2021

GISCO (Geographic Information System of the COmmission) is responsible for meeting the European Commission's geographical information needs at three levels: the European Union, its member countries, and its regions. In addition to creating statistical and other thematic maps, GISCO manages a database of geographical information, and provides related services to the Commission. Its database contains core geographical data covering the whole of Europe, such as administrative boundaries, and thematic geospatial information, such as population grid data. Some data are available for download by the general public and may be used for non-commercial purposes. For further details and information about any forthcoming new or updated datasets, see http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata. This metadata refers to the whole content of GISCO reference database extracted in May 2021, which contains both public datasets (also available for the general public through http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata) and datasets to be used only internally by the EEA (typically, but not only, GISCO datasets at 1:100k). The database is provided in as a single GDB and also as individual GPKG file per feature, with datasets at scales from 1:60M to 1:100K, with reference years spanning until 2021 (e.g. NUTS 2021). Additional information and metadata is provided with the dataset in the folder docs. The database manual, a file with the content of the database, a glossary, and a document with the naming conventions are included in this folder. The document GISCO-ConditionsOfUse.pdf provided with the dataset gives information on the copyrighted data sources, the mandatory acknowledgement clauses and re-dissemination rights. The license conditions for EuroGeographic datasets in GISCO are provided in a standalone document "LicenseConditions_EuroGeographics.pdf". The main updates with respect to the previous version of the full database in the SDI (from June 2020) are the addition of the following datasets: - Coastline boundaries, 2020 (COAS_2020) (N.B.: An update is expected soon) - Degree of Urbanisation, 2020 (DGURBA_2020) - Exclusive Economic Zones, 2020 (EEZ_2020) - FAO Fishing Areas, 2020 (FAO_FISH_2020) - Healthcare services (HEALTH) - LAU Historical Census data (LAU_CENS_1961-2011) - Local Administrative Units, 2017 (LAU_2017), 2019 (LAU_2019) and 2020 (LAU_2020) - LUCAS, 2018 (LUCAS_2018) - Metropolitan Regions, 2021 (MREG_2021) - Postal Codes, 2020 (PCODE_2020) (N.B.: DE is to be updated soon) When available, the model specifications of these new layers are also provided with the database (under the folder docs). NOTE: This metadata file is only for internal EEA purposes and in no case replaces the official metadata provided by Eurostat. For specific GISCO datasets included in this version there are individual EEA metadata files in the SDI: NUTS_2021, MREG_2021 and CNTR_2020. For public products, continuous updates are being published in the public website of GISCO: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata. The original metadata files from Eurostat for the different GISCO datasets are available via ECAS login through the Eurostat metadata portal on https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/inspire-sdi/srv/eng/catalog.search#/home For more information about the full database or any of its datasets, please contact the SDI Team (sdi@eea.europa.eu).

Copernicus Boundary Layers with 250m buffer

The Copernicus boundary layers cover the EEA38 member states and United Kingdom including the French DOM (French Guiana GF, Guadeloupe GP, Martinique MQ, Mayotte YT and Reunion RE). The Copernicus Boundary Layer provides both land masks for the countries as well as national boundaries. The datasets are based on a rasterisation of the Boundary Layer vector product. The raster products are available with 250 m buffer in these resolutions: raster 10m, raster 20m and raster 100m. The production of the Border Products was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme. The use of the raster 10m, raster 20m and the vector data has to be agreed with EEA.

Copernicus National Boundary Layer with 250 m buffer, version 3, Jan. 2019

For the provision of land monitoring services within COPERNICUS, a consistent, stable, sufficiently detailed boundary layer is required at EEA, which provides a “land mask” for the area that needs to be monitored. This metadata refers to the National Boundary layer both in vector formats (GDB, SHP) and in raster format (TIFF) at 10, 20 and 100m resolution, of each of the EEA member and cooperating countries as well as the United Kingdom (former EEA39). This is a product derived from the EEA 39 Border Expert product, generalised to a scale of about 1:1 000 000 by applying a buffer of 250m and selecting the outline. Each country boundary has been projected to its respective national system(s), which are specified together with the EEA. The Border Expert product is based on the EU-Hydro Coastline Version 3 from EEA, the EEA coastline for analysis Version 2, the EBM GISCO Hybrid Layer from EEA, the EuroGeographics EuroBoundary Map Version 12, the “Water and Wetness High Resolution Layer 2015” from EEA and the JRC-Global Surface Water Occurrence layer. The production of this Border Product was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.

GISCO - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2024 (NUTS 2024), May 2024 - PROVISIONAL DATA

This metadata refer to the PROVISIONAL 'GISCO NUTS 2024' data set representing the NUTS 2024 regulation and statistical regions by means of multipart polygon topology. The full dataset including polyline and point topology will be launched later in 2023. The NUTS geographical information is completed by attribute tables and a set of cartographic help lines to better visualize multipart polygonal regions. The NUTS nomenclature is a hierarchical classification of statistical regions defined by Eurostat. The NUTS classification subdivides the EU economic territory into 3 statistical levels. The NUTS 2024 classification has been established through the Commission Delegated Regulation 2019/1755, which entered into force on 8th August 2019 and applies from 1st January 2021. A non official NUTS-like classification has been defined for the EFTA countries and the candidate countries. At present, six scale ranges (100K, 1M, 3M, 10M and 20M, 60M) are maintained in the GISCO geodatabase. The polygon and boundary classes delineate the regions, while the points provide an anchor for each region. Associated tables contain basic information such as the name of the region. The public data set will be available at 1M, 3M, 10M, 20M, 60M, while the full data set at 100K is restricted. The data set covers EU Member States, EFTA countries and the EU candidate countries.

GISCO - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2021 (NUTS 2021), May 2021

The 'GISCO NUTS 2021' data set represents the NUTS 2021 regulation and statistical regions by means of multipart polygon, polyline and point topology. The NUTS geographical information is completed by attribute tables and a set of cartographic help lines to better visualize multipart polygonal regions. The NUTS nomenclature is a hierarchical classification of statistical regions defined by Eurostat. The NUTS classification subdivides the EU economic territory into 3 statistical levels. The NUTS 2021 classification has been established through the Commission Delegated Regulation 2019/1755, which entered into force on 8th August 2019 and applies from 1st January 2021. A non official NUTS-like classification has been defined for the EFTA countries and the candidate countries. At present, six scale ranges (100K, 1M, 3M, 10M and 20M, 60M) are maintained in the GISCO geodatabase. The polygon and boundary classes delineate the regions, while the points provide an anchor for each region. Associated tables contain basic information such as the name of the region. The public data set will be available at 1M, 3M, 10M, 20M, 60M, while the full data set at 100K is restricted. The data set covers EU Member States, EFTA countries, EU candidate countries and the UK. Following the departure of the UK from the European Union, the UK is no longer flagged as an EU Member State but retains its place in the NUTS and statistical regions data set. This dataset (NUTS_2021) is derived from the EuroBoundary Map 2020 (EBM2020) from Eurogeographics as well as GISCO NUTS 2016 (from Türkiye). The list of NUTS2021 codes including changes with respect to NUTS2016 is available on https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/345175/629341/NUTS2021.xlsx. The public metadata for NUTS 2021 released by Eurostat is available here: https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/distribution/v2/nuts/nuts-2021-metadata.xml. This revision (May 2021) includes minor changes in the dataset such as (see https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/distribution/v2/nuts/nuts-2021-release-notes.txt): * 2020-10-05 Point snapping is disabled in all datasets, number of decimals increased for 01M datasets. * 2020-11-18 Inclusion of Jan Mayen and Svalbard in to Norways Statistical Regions. Amendment to Serbia NUTS BN line status. * 2020-12-05 Fixed broken utf-8 encoding. * 2021-03-15 Added LAU 2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2020 * 2021-04-26 Fixed country labels 2001, 2006 (incorrect Kosovo coordinates) IMPORTANT NOTE: Additional information, including the conditions of use and acknowledgement notice is included in the document provided with the dataset "GISCO NUTS 2021 Additional Information.pdf". Public access to this data set is restricted due to intellectual property rights. It shall only be used internally by the EEA, its ETCs and subcontractors working on behalf of the EEA. This metadata has been slightly adapted from the original metadata information provided by Eurostat (European Commission) and is to be used only for internal EEA purposes. An introduction to the NUTS classification is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/overview.

Nitrogen - element with impacts

Nitrogen emissions from almost all sectors of society lead to risks for humans and the environment. Sustainable management of nitrogen and its compounds therefore plays a major role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a milestone towards sustainable nitrogen management, the German Environment Agency proposes a upper limit of 1,000 kt nitrogen per year for Germany. The limit covers almost all sources and includes not only agriculture but also other nitrogen relevant sectors such as transport and industry. The background paper explains the background on risks, summarises the current pollution situation in Germany and evaluates existing mitigation options against the new cap. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de

GISCO - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2021 (NUTS 2021), Jan. 2020

The 'GISCO NUTS 2021' data set represents the NUTS 2021 regulation and statistical regions by means of multipart polygon, polyline and point topology. The NUTS geographical information is completed by attribute tables and a set of cartographic help lines to better visualize multipart polygonal regions. The NUTS nomenclature is a hierarchical classification of statistical regions defined by Eurostat. The NUTS classification subdivides the EU economic territory into 3 statistical levels. The NUTS 2021 classification has been established through the Commission Delegated Regulation 2019/1755, which entered into force on 8th August 2019 and applies from 1st January 2021. A non official NUTS-like classification has been defined for the EFTA countries and the candidate countries. At present, six scale ranges (100K, 1M, 3M, 10M and 20M, 60M) are maintained in the GISCO geodatabase. The polygon and boundary classes delineate the regions, while the points provide an anchor for each region. Associated tables contain basic information such as the name of the region. The public data set will be available at 1M, 3M, 10M, 20M, 60M, while the full data set at 100K is restricted. The data set covers EU Member States, EFTA countries, EU candidate countries and the UK. Following the departure of the UK from the European Union, the UK is no longer flagged as an EU Member State but retains its place in the NUTS and statistical regions data set. This metadata only refers to the full NUTS2021 dataset (polygons) at 100k (NUTS_RG_100K_2021), which is derived from the EuroBoundary Map 2020 (EBM2020) from Eurogeographics as well as GISCO NUTS 2016 (from Türkiye). With the dataset it is also provided the table NUTS_AT_2021.dbf and an excel file NUTS2016-NUTS2021.xlsx with the list of changes between 2016 and 2021. IMPORTANT NOTE: Additional information, including the conditions of use and acknowledgement notice is included in the document provided with the dataset "GISCO NUTS 2021 Additional Information.pdf". Public access to this data set is restricted due to intellectual property rights. It shall only be used internally by the EEA, its ETCs and subcontractors working on behalf of the EEA. This metadata has been slightly adapted from the original metadata information provided by Eurostat (European Commission) and is to be used only for internal EEA purposes. An introduction to the NUTS classification is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/overview.