Das Projekt "Impact of urbanisation on the allergenicity of birch pollen grains" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Medizin, Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie am Biederstein durchgeführt. Evidence is compelling for a positive correlation between urbanisation and increment of allergic sensitisation and diseases. The reason for this association is not clear to date. Some data point to a pro-allergic effect of anthropogenic factors on susceptible individuals. Data analysing the impact of environmental - natural and anthropogenic - factors on the allergenicity of allergen carriers such as pollen grains are scarce, and if applicable only taken from in vitro experimental designs. This study will analyse one of the most common allergy inducers in northern Europe - the birch pollen. Under natural exposure conditions, birch pollen will be analysed with respect to their allergenicity. Within an interdisciplinary research team this study will evaluate the effect of natural (e.g. soil, climate, genetic background) and anthropogenic (e.g. traffic pollutants) factors on birch pollen in a holistic approach including analysis of allergen bioavailability, release of pollen associated lipid mediators from birch pollen grains, in vitro immunostimulatory activity and in vivo allergenic potential. These data collected in the time course of three years will significantly add to our understanding how urbanisation and climate change influence the allergenicity of birch pollen and will help us in the future to set up primary prevention studies.
Das Projekt "Carbon, water and nutrient dynamics in vascular plant- vs. Sphagnum-dominated bog ecosystems in southern Patagonia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Münster, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Fachbereich 14 - Geowissenschaften durchgeführt. In bog ecosystems, vegetation controls key processes such as the retention of carbon, water and nutrients. In northern hemispherical bogs, a shift from Sphagnum- to vascular plant-dominated vegetation is often traced back to Climate Change and increased anthropogenic nitrogen deposition and coincides with substantially reduced capacities in carbon, water and nutrient retention. In southern Patagonia, bogs dominated by Sphagnum and vascular plants coexist since millennia under similar environmental settings. Thus, South Patagonian bogs may serve as ideal examples for the long-term effect of vascular plant invasion on carbon, water and nutrient balances of bog ecosystems. The contemporary balances of carbon and water of both a bog dominated by Sphagnum and vascular plants are determined by CO2- H2O and CH4 flux measurements and an estimation of lateral water losses as well as losses via dissolved organic and inorganic carbon compounds. The high time resolution of simultaneous eddy covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O in both bog types and the strong interaction between climatic variables and the physiology of bog plants allow for direct comparisons of carbon and water fluxes during cold, warm, dry, wet, cloudy or sunny periods. By the combination with leaf-scale measurements of gas exchange and fluorescence, plant-physiological controls of photosynthesis and transpiration can be identified. Long-term peat accumulation rates will be determined by carbon density and age-depth profiles including a characterization of peat humification characteristics. A reciprocal transplantation experiment with incorporated shading, liming and labeled N addition treatments is conducted to explore driving factors affecting competition between Sphagnum and vascular plants as well as the interactions between CO2-, CH4-, and water fluxes and decisive plant functional traits affecting key processes for carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling. Decomposition rates and driving below ground processes are analyzed with a litter bag field experiment and an incubation experiment in the laboratory.
Das Projekt "Aerosole aus dem asiatischen Monsun in der oberen Troposphäre: Quellen, Alterung, Auswirkungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung - Atmosphärische Spurenstoffe und Fernerkundung (IMK-ASF) durchgeführt. Die Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL), eine Schicht mit erhöhtem Aerosolgehalt, tritt jedes Jahr von Juni bis September in 14-18 km Höhe in einem Gebiet auf, das sich vom Mittelmeer bis zum westlichen Pazifik erstreckt. Hinsichtlich der Zusammensetzung der Partikel, sowie ihrer Bedeutung für die Strahlungsbilanz in dieser klimasensitiven Höhenregion bestehen große Unsicherheiten. Die bisher einzigen Flugzeugmessungen aus dem Zentrum der ATAL wurden 2017 im Rahmen der StratoClim Kampagne von Kathmandu aus gewonnen. Dabei entdeckten wir mit Hilfe des Infrarotspektrometers GLORIA auf dem Forschungsflugzeug Geophysica, dass feste Ammoniumnitrat (AN) â€Ì Partikel einen beträchtlichen Teil der Aerosolmasse ausmachen. Diese zählen zu den effizientesten Eiskeimen in der Atmosphäre. Zudem zeigte die gleichzeitige Messung von Ammoniakgas (NH3) durch GLORIA, dass dieses Vorläufergas durch starke Konvektion in die obere Troposphäre verfrachtet wird. Im Rahmen der PHILEAS-Kampagne schlagen wir eine gemeinsamen Betrachtung von atmosphärischen Modellsimulationen und Messungen vor, um die Zusammensetzung, Ursprung, Auswirkungen und Verbleib der ATAL-Partikel zu untersuchen â€Ì insbesondere im Hinblick auf ihre Prozessierung sowie ihren Einfluss auf die obere Troposphäre und die untere Stratosphäre der nördlichen Hemisphäre. Messungen von monsunbeeinflussten Luftmassen über dem östlichen Mittelmeer sowie über dem nördlichen Pazifik werden es uns erlauben, Luft mit gealtertem Aerosol- und Spurengasgehalt zu analysieren und damit die StratoClim-Beobachtungen aus dem Inneren des Monsuns zu komplementieren. Um dabei die wahrscheinlich geringeren Konzentrationen an Aerosol und Spurengasen zu quantifizieren, schlagen wir vor, die GLORIA-Datenerfassung von NH3 und AN u.a. durch die Verwendung neuartiger spektroskopischer Daten zu verbessern. Ferner werden wir die Analyse der GLORIA-Spektren auf Sulfataerosole sowie deren Vorläufergas SO2 auszudehnen. Auf der Modellseite werden wir das globale Wetter- und Klimamodellsystem ICON-ART weiterentwickeln, um die ATAL unter Einbeziehung verschiedener Aerosoltypen (Nitrat, Ammonium, Sulfat, organische Partikel, Staub) zu simulieren â€Ì unter Berücksichtigung der hohen Eiskeimfähigkeit von festem AN. Modellläufe werden durchgeführt, um einerseits einen globalen Überblick über die Entwicklung der ATAL 2023 zu gewinnen und zudem detaillierte, auf die relevanten Kampagnenperioden zugeschnittene, wolkenauflösende Informationen über die Aerosol-Wolken-Strahlungs-Wechselwirkungen zu erhalten. Über die direkte Analyse der PHILEAS-Kampagne hinausgehend wird diese Arbeit die Grundlage für eine verbesserte Analyse von Aerosolparametern aus GLORIA-Beobachtungen früherer und zukünftiger HALO-Kampagnen sowie aus Satellitenbeobachtungen legen. Darüber hinaus wird sie ICON-ART, einem der zentralen Klimamodellsysteme in Deutschland die Simulation von Aerosolprozessen sowie Aerosol/Wolken-Wechselwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit der ATAL ermöglichen.
Das Projekt "Freshwater budget and salinity variability in the subpolar and subtropical gyres of the North Atlantic" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik, Abteilung Ozeanographie durchgeführt. Up to recent years, the study of trends and variability of the salinity (and freshwater) distributions was hampered by the lack of temporal and spatial resolution of the available observations (Wang DFG form 54.011 - 1/12 page 3 of 6 et al., 2010). With the onset of the Argo programme, the number of observed salinity profiles have significantly increased. The many Argo profiles distributed evenly over the year provide not only the means to calculate seasonally averaged salinity (and freshwater) distributions, but they can also be used to calculate regional Gravest Empirical Modes (GEMs) parameterized by pressure and dynamic height. Dynamic height is measured by altimetry and high quality altimeter data are available since 1992. GEMs will be used to construct from altimetry high resolution (in time and space) salinity, temperature and density fields. The objectives of the proposal are to - combine Argo/CTD profiles and altimetry to calculate temporal and spatial high resolution salinity fields in the mixed layer and in the upper 1500-2000m for the time period 1992 - 2013 for the subpolar and the subtropical Atlantic. - Construct regional freshwater budgets for the mixed layer and the upper 1500-2000m and estimate the contributions of the main processes to the observed change - Follow salinity anomalies from their origin along their circulation pathways, and study involved mechanisms (for instance role of eddies, mean circulation) for shallow, intermediate and deep water masses - Investigate changes in the formation of North Atlantic mode waters in the subpolar and subtropical gyre
Das Projekt "Die Bedeutung randnaher ozeanischer Prozesse in der Labradorsee für die atlantische meridionale Umwälzzirkulation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR), Forschungsbereich 1: Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik durchgeführt. The Labrador Sea is one of the few places in the world ocean, where deep water formation takes place. This water is exported from the Labrador Sea to become part of the southward branch of the meridional overturning circulation. Previous observational work has largely focused on the role of deep convection in the interior of the Labrador Sea. Recent evidence from observations and numerical ocean models specifically indicate that processes near the ocean boundaries might be most relevant for both Eulerian downwelling of waters in the Labrador Sea and the fast export of newly transformed waters. We propose to analyze mooring based observations at the western margin of the Labrador Sea together with high resolution numerical model simulations to understand the role both processes play for the meridional overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic. Specifically, we want to test (i) if (and where) downwelling occurs along the margins of the Labrador Sea, (ii) how downwelling relates to the seasonal evolution of convection and eddy activity, (iii) how fast waters newly transformed near the western margin of the Labrador Sea are exported, and (iv) how the two processes (downwelling, fast export) affect the temporal variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.
Das Projekt "Speläotheme aus der Sibirischen Arktis: Einzigartige Archive vergangener Temperatur- und Feuchtebedingungen während des späten Miozäns." wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bochum, Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Lehrstuhl für Sediment- und Isotopengeologie durchgeführt. Der Beginn der nordhemisphärischen Vereisung und die Entwicklung kontinuierlichen Permafrostes in Eurasien zwischen dem Ende des Miozäns und dem frühen Pleistozän zählt zu den bedeutendsten klimatischen Ereignissen des Känozoikums. Der Zeitpunkt extensiver Vereisung auf den Kontinenten und des Arktischen Ozeans und damit verbundene Veränderungen der klimatischen Bedingungen bleibt bislang ungenau bestimmt.Speläotheme (sekundäre Höhlenkarbonate) stellen ein wichtiges Archiv kontinentaler Umweltbedingungen dar, welches durch besonders genaue radiometrische Altersmodelle für eine grosse Bandbreite an Paläoklimaproxies charakterisiert ist.Wir konnten erfolgreich diagenetisch unveränderte und datierbare Proben aus Zentral- und Nordsibirien identifizieren und schlagen eine Multi-proxy-Studie an U/Pb-datierten Stalagmiten vor. Diese Studie wird Einblicke in die thermalen und hydrologischen Bedingungen zwischen 10.3 Ma und 8 Ma liefern. Wasser aus in den Speläothemen eingeschlossenen Fluidinklusionen wird auf seine Isotopenzusammensetzung hin untersucht. Zudem wird die in den Speläothemen beobachtete Lamination genutzt, um die Saisonalität während des Torton und Messiniums zu rekonstruieren. Wir suchen finanzielle Unterstützung für die parallele Analyse der Isotopie des Fluidinklusionswassers, der Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopie des Karbonates, und der Elementkonzentration in den Speläothemen. Diese Kombination geochemischer Methoden wird Einblicke in regionale Umweltbedingungen, die Niederschlagshistorie und Temperaturen während des Miozäns und vor der Entwicklung kontinuierlichen Permafrostes geben. Zusätzliche Proben werden genutzt, um den Wechsel vom eisfreien zu einem durch Permafrost charakterisierten Sibirien zeitlich genauer einzugrenzen.Das vorgeschlagene Projekt wird unser Wissen zur atmosphärischen Zirkulation, und daran geknüpfter Veränderungen des Feuchte- und Temperaturregimes während eines saisonal eisfreien Arktischen Ozeans erweitern.
Das Projekt "Europäische Investment Bank - Wasser Management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Jena-Optronik GmbH durchgeführt. BACKGROUND: The Kingdom of Jordan belongs to the ten water scarcest countries in the world, and climate change is likely to increase the frequency of future droughts. Jordan is considered among the 10 most water impoverished countries in the world, with per capita water availability estimated at 170 m per annum, compared to an average of 1,000 m per annum in other countries. Jordan Government has taken the strategic decision to develop a conveyor system including a 325 km pipe to pump 100 million cubic meters per year of potable water from Disi-Mudawwara close to the Saudi Border in the south, to the Greater Amman area in the north. The construction of the water pipeline has started end of 2009 and shall be finished in 2013. Later on, the pipeline could serve as a major part of a national water carrier in order to convey desalinated water from the Red Sea to the economically most important central region of the country. The conveyor project will not only significantly increase water supplies to the capital, but also provide for the re-allocation of current supplies to other governorates, and for the conservation of aquifers. In the context of the Disi project that is co-funded by EIB two Environmental and Social Management Plans have been prepared: one for the private project partners and one for the Jordan Government. The latter includes the Governments obligation to re-balance water allocations to irrigation and to gradually restore the protected wetlands of Azraq (Ramsar site) east of Amman that has been depleted due to over-abstraction by re-directing discharge of highland aquifers after the Disi pipeline becomes operational. The Water Strategy recognizes that groundwater extraction for irrigation is beyond acceptable limits. Since the source is finite and priority should be given to human consumption it proposes to tackle the demand for irrigation through tariff adjustments, improved irrigation technology and disincentive to water intensive crops. The Disi aquifer is currently used for irrigation by farms producing all kinds of fruits and vegetables on a large scale and exporting most of their products to the Saudi and European markets and it is almost a third of Jordan's total consumption. The licenses for that commercial irrigation were finished by 2011/12. Whilst the licenses will be not renewed the difficulty will be the enforcement and satellite based information become an important supporting tool for monitoring. OUTLOOK: The ESA funded project Water management had the objective to support the South-North conveyor project and the activities of EIB together with the MWI in Jordan to ensure the supply of water for the increasing demand. EO Information provides a baseline for land cover and elevation and support the monitoring of further stages. usw.
Das Projekt "Alpine plant ecology" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Botanisches Institut, Abteilung Pflanzenökologie durchgeführt. Our long term activities aim at a functional understanding of alpine plant life. Overall our research shifted gradually from studying resource acquisition (e.g. photosynthesis) toward resource investment and questions of developement. As with treeline, sink activity seems to be the major determinant of growth. A common misconception associated with alpine plant life finds its expression in the use of the terms 'stress' and 'limitation'. See the critique in: Körner C (1998) Alpine plants: stressed or adapted? In: Press MC, Scholes JD, Barker MG (eds.) Physiological Plant Ecology. Blackwell Science , 297-311. Ongoing experimental work: The influence of photoperiod on growth and development in high elevation taxa (Ph.D. by Franziska Keller in cooperation with the Dept. of Geography, University of Fribourg). We test, whether and which species are responsive to earlier snow melt. It appears there exists a suite of different sensitivities, suggesting biodiversity shifts. We also tested the influence of nutrient addition on high elevation pioneer plants and run a longer term project on the interactive effect on sheep tramplng, nitrogen deposition and warming as part of the Swiss National Project NFP 48. A Europe-wide assessment of ground temperatures in alpine grassland is part of ALPNET (see associated organisations). The assessment provides a basis for comparing biodiversity in alpine biota from 69 to 37 degree of northern latitude. (Nagy et al. (2003) Ecological Studies, Vol. 167. 577 p. Springer, Berlin). A synthesis of research in functional ecology of alpine plants over the past 100 years was published in 1999.
Das Projekt "Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Yanqi Basin, Sinkiang, China" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme durchgeführt. Irrigation in the Yanqi Basin, Sinkiang, China has led to water table rise and soil salination. A model is used to assess management options. These include more irrigation with groundwater, water saving irrigation techniques and others. The model relies on input data from remote sensing.The Yanqi Basin is located in the north-western Chinese province of Xinjiang.This agriculturally highly productive region is heavily irrigated with water drawn from the Kaidu River. The Kaidu River itself is mainly fed by snow and glacier melt from the Tian Mountain surrounding the basin. A very poor drainage system and an overexploitation of surface water have lead to a series of environmental problems: 1. Seepage water under irrigated fields has raised the groundwater table during the last years, causing strongly increased groundwater evaporation. The salt dissolved in the groundwater accumulates at the soil surface as the groundwater evaporates. This soil salinization leads to degradation of vegetation as well as to a loss of arable farmland. 2. The runoff from the Bostan Lake to the downstream Corridor is limited since large amount of water is used for irrigation in the Yanqi Basin. Nowadays, the runoff is maintained by pumping water from the lake to the river. The environmental and ecological system is facing a serious threat.In order to improve the situation in the Yanqi Basin, a jointly funded cooperation has been set up by the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) , China Institute of Geological and Environmental Monitoring (CIGEM) and Xinjiang Agricultural University. The situation could in principle be improved by using groundwater for irrigation, thus lowering the groundwater table and saving unproductive evaporation. However, this is associated with higher cost as groundwater has to be pumped. The major decision variable to steer the system into a desirable state is thus the ratio of irrigation water pumped from the aquifer and irrigation water drawn from the river. The basis to evaluate the ideal ratio between river and groundwater - applied to irrigation - will be a groundwater model combined with models describing the processes of the unsaturated zone. The project will focus on the following aspects of research: (...)
Das Projekt "Community-mediated mechanisms to stabilize pollination of agricultural production highly dependent on shrinking honey bee populations under global change" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Ökologie (IE), Professur für Tierökologie durchgeführt. Almond in California represents an agroecosystem pollinated solely by a single species, the European honey bee, a species that is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to manage due to substantial, unpredictable mortality. Therefore, sustainable and high output production require a more integrated approach that diversifies sources of pollination. For this purpose, detailed data of our understanding how diversity can stabilize pollination are required. The project will identify alternative wild pollinator species and collect high quality data contributing to our understanding of how diversity (pollen and insects) can bolster honey bee pollination during stable and unstable climatic conditions. The research will be carried out on almond orchards in Northern California known to be either pollinator species rich (up to 30 species) or depauperate (honey bees only). The replicated extremes in pollinator diversity represent a unique opportunity to study the effects of diversity on pollination in real agroecosystems combined with laboratory and glasshouse experiments. The overall goal is to provide basic research that is essential for our general understanding of how insect diversity can affect high-quality pollination under land use and climate change.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 118 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 118 |
License | Count |
offen | 118 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 118 |
Englisch | 113 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 76 |
Webseite | 42 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 108 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 112 |
Luft | 90 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 118 |
Wasser | 93 |
Weitere | 118 |