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Bericht zum Bohrlochtemperatur-Logging und zu Messungen thermisch-hydraulischer Gesteinskennwerte an Bohrkernen für die Geothermiebohrungen Gt Schwerin 6/17 und Gt Schwerin 7/20 (Schwerin, MV)


Experimental rock permeability data for illite-bearing Flechtinger sandstone measured with a flow-through apparatus at GFZ Potsdam


Data set including raw data from the Geant4 simulations (energy profiles), a file with the data from the energy profiles extracted with a code under Code::Blocks, 2 scans of autoradiographs (perpendicular and tilted cracks), and 1 image of two artificial crack samples.


Program codes used under Geant4 toolkit and IDE Code::Blocks to simulate the 14C-PMMA autoradiographic method and analyze the data, respectively, for better calibration of the determination of cracks aperture in rocks with this method.
