Maps of monthly mean values of precipitable water derived from SATEM bulletins by gridding to 5x5 degree grid and interpolation to a 1x1 degree grid.(near realtime product), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring
Maps of monthly anomalies of precipitable water derived from SATEM bulletins by gridding to 5x5 degree grid and interpoation to a 1x1 degree grid (reference period 1980-2005), (near realtime product), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring
Assessment texts on monthly mean tropospheric precipitable water, provided by ECSM - European Climate System Monitoring, WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring
Graphs on validation of mean tropospheric precipitable water product, provided by ECSM - European Climate System Monitoring, WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring
Monthly maps (mean and anomaly) and texts to precipitable water analyses based on SATEM and TEMP reports , provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) an Climate Monitoring
Maps of longterm monthly means (1980-2005) of precipitable water derived from SATEM bulletins by gridding to 5x5 degree grid and interpolation to a 1x1 degree grid, provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring