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Grassland intensification by management practices in 2010, Nov. 2016

The dataset shows the percentage of grasslands under high pressure from management practices in 2010. The area percentage is calculated in relation to the total grassland area within NUTS3 regions (NUTS2 for Germany). The management pressure on grassland was calculated by combining information of nitrogen input from the Farm Structure Survey (FSS), the Corine Land Use/Land Cover dataset and other environmental characteristics such as topographic conditions, soil and climate conditions (etc). This dataset is part of the condition/pressures assessments done for agroecosystems under ETC/SIA actions for MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services).

Cropland intensification by management practices in 2010, Nov. 2016

The dataset shows the percentage of croplands under high pressure from management practices in 2010. The area percentage is calculated in relation to the total cropland area within NUTS3 regions (NUTS2 for Germany). The management pressure on croplands was calculated by combining information of nitrogen input from the Farm Structure Survey (FSS), the Corine Land Use/Land Cover dataset and other environmental characteristics such as topographic conditions, soil and climate conditions (etc). This dataset is part of the condition/pressures assessments done for agroecosystems under ETC/SIA actions for MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services).

GRUAN RS92 Product (beta)

First GRUAN product (beta)

GTS Bulletin: SMLV21 UMRR - Surface data (details are described in the abstract)

The SMLV21 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SM): Main synoptic hour A1A2 (LV): Latvia (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: SMLV41 UMRR - Surface data (details are described in the abstract)

The SMLV41 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SM): Main synoptic hour A1A2 (LV): Latvia (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: SMLV40 UMRR - Surface data (details are described in the abstract)

The SMLV40 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SM): Main synoptic hour A1A2 (LV): Latvia (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: SNLV41 UMRR - Surface data (details are described in the abstract)

The SNLV41 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SN): Non-standard synoptic hour A1A2 (LV): Latvia (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: SNLV11 UMRR - Surface data (details are described in the abstract)

The SNLV11 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SN): Non-standard synoptic hour A1A2 (LV): Latvia (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: SNLV20 UMRR - Surface data (details are described in the abstract)

The SNLV20 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SN): Non-standard synoptic hour A1A2 (LV): Latvia (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

GTS Bulletin: SNLV40 UMRR - Surface data (details are described in the abstract)

The SNLV40 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SN): Non-standard synoptic hour A1A2 (LV): Latvia (Remarks from Volume-C: NilReason)

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