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Thermische Behandlung von Farb- und Lackschlaemmen

Das Projekt "Thermische Behandlung von Farb- und Lackschlaemmen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sulzer durchgeführt. Metal hydroxide and paint sludge's are produced during pretreatment and paint spraying of metal surfaces and have to be considered as industrial waste due to the heavy metal content. Sulzer Chemtech is studying the pyro-processing of the sludge's in a pilot plant with an operational capacity of 20 to 100 kg/h. The purpose of this project is a save reintegration of the products in the ecosystem. The organic compounds are partial pyrolised in a fluidized bed at temperatures from 600 to 800 degree C. The inorganic compounds are vitrified subsequently in the temperature range of 1100 to 1400 degree C. By vitrification of metal hydroxide sludge in a very high reducing atmosphere, the glass can be depleted to a heavy metal concentration comparable to the crust of the earth. During melting, a heavy second phase is formed consisting of iron, copper nickel, chromium and tin alloys. Zinc and lead are almost completely evaporated. In the glass matrix, a phosphate and a silicate phase are coexisting. On the other hand, a low reducing atmosphere causes an incorporation of iron, lead and zinc into the glass structure. The evaporation of zinc and lead is low. Metal hydroxide and paint sludge's contain ecotoxic components like heavy metals and organic substances. They are classified as hazardous wastes and may not be disposed of by land filling anymore. Two different paths for immobilization and separation were investigated. Thermal treatment below melting temperature leads to an inert insoluble residue with minimal energy requirement. In an alternative process the sludge's are vitrified after a suitable pretreatment. A favorable choice of operating conditions allows a substantial separation of the heavy metals and the decomposition of the organic material. The high energy consumption, however, is only justified, when an upgrading of the products for further reuse is achieved. Separation of the heavy metals below melting temperature is the objective of a new project phase.

Thermische Rueckstandsbehandlung zur Ueberfuehrung in glasartige Rest- und Wertstoffe

Das Projekt "Thermische Rueckstandsbehandlung zur Ueberfuehrung in glasartige Rest- und Wertstoffe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Paul Scherrer Institut durchgeführt. How can residues from waste incinerators be recycled? Two complementary vitrification systems for waste incineration residues developed by ABB: - The Deglor-system: a glass furnace based process operating with an oxidizing atmosphere, suited for small and medium throughputs (treatment of fly ashes). - The AshArc-system based on a DC hollow electrode arc operating under reducing conditions, suited for large throughputs (bottom ashes with or without fly ash, fly ash in very large incineration plants). Aims of the SPPU-project: The aim of the joint SPPU-project was to study the composition and properties of the produced glass-like residues a function of the operation conditions in the respective furnaces. The results of these investigations should give facilitate the production of valuable and usable products from these residues. Contributions within the SPPU-project: Our main contribution was the operation of our test and pilot facilities under specified conditions. Samples of the resulting glass were analyzed in detail by EMPA Duebendorf, investigating both chemical and physical properties of the glass. The topic of valuable products from the vitrified material was followed up by EMPA St. Gallen. At PSI small scale fundamental experiments concerning the evaporation of heavy metals were performed. Some summarized results: The vitrification of different incineration residues (fly ashes with and without flue gas cleaning products, fine fractions of bottom ashes) did always result in glass products showing a good leaching resistance. A huge data base characterizing these products was gained. - A method to determine the retention time of materials in the Deglor furnace was successfully tested. Based on this method, the positive effect of a longer retention time in the furnace was demonstrated revealing a more complete evaporation of most heavy metals and of chloride and sulfur. The special case of zinc was investigated in depth by the PSI. - A 2 t/h AshArc test run under reducing conditions revealed very low residual heavy metal contents in the glass. - The physical characterization of the glass gave new input concerning the use of this materials for added value products like vitreous ceramics. This has to be further investigated. Very promising is the use of the glass as a partial substitute for cement in slowly binding concrete.

Oekobilanz landwirtschaftlicher Produktion

Das Projekt "Oekobilanz landwirtschaftlicher Produktion" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Agroscope FAT Tänikon durchgeführt. Leading Questions: Method of evaluating the ecological impact of traditional and alternative cultivation techniques. Abstract: This project has the following goals: 1) to develop an approach which takes into account the particular problems of agriculture with respect to environmental protection, soil pollution in addition to air and water pollution 2) to gain knowledge about environmental impacts of important agricultural products, such as wheat, milk, potatoes and vegetables 3) to compare the environmental effects of various agricultural methods (intensive, integrated, organic). Studies so far have shown, that system delimitation has a major influence on the final results. Thus, for example, the direct energy consumption of the studied agricultural methods (intensive, integrated, organic) is similar. On the other hand far greater differences are found between these systems, where the consumption of gray energy is concerned. Furthermore, the manufacturing of machines, including repairs, also has to be taken into consideration. These preceding stages, especially the production of auxiliary material, have to be included when comparing various agricultural methods. Complementary information: The European Community as well as the Swiss Confederation have decided on financial measures in order to support ecological farming. However, the global environmental impact of the various agricultural production techniques is not well known yet. The purpose of the project is - to develop a method of evaluating the ecological impact of traditional and alternative cultivation techniques (ecobalances); - to apply this method to Swiss and foreign productions of food and renewable resources intended for industrial use. The results of the project may help to find decisions in agricultural and environmental policy and to optimize agriculture ecologically speaking.

Oekologischer Strukturwandel: Konsequenzen fuer die Innovationsfaehigkeit und Innovationsstrategie der Schweiz

Das Projekt "Oekologischer Strukturwandel: Konsequenzen fuer die Innovationsfaehigkeit und Innovationsstrategie der Schweiz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität St. Gallen, Institut für Wirtschaft und Ökologie durchgeführt. Ziel des Projektes ist es, in gesamtwirtschaftlicher Perspektive die oekologischen Chancen und Risiken des Wirtschaftsstandortes Schweiz darzustellen, ihre wesentlichen Bestimmungsursachen zu analysieren und auf dieser Basis praktikable wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Strategien des oekologischen Strukturwandels in der Schweiz zu erarbeiten. Diese volkswirtschaftlichen Strategien werden im Zusammenhang mit den branchenspezifischen und regionaloekonomischen Teilprojekten Dyllick (5001-35226) und Messerli (5001-35117) im Rahmen des Gesamtprojektes 'Oekologischer Strukturwandel und Innovation in der Schweiz' erarbeitet. Das vorgelegte Teilprojekt geht aus von einem Konzept der nachhaltigen, umweltvertraeglichen Entwicklung (qualitatives Wachstum) auf nationaler Ebene. Auf dieser Grundlage wird eine Bestandesaufnahmen und Beurteilung der Struktur und des Strukturwandels der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft unter Beruecksichtigung der branchenspezifischen und regionaloekonomischen Aspekten vorgenommen. Dabei werden die natuerlichen und gesellschaftlich-politischen Standortvor- und nachteile herausgearbeitet. Die Untersuchung muendet in Vorschlaegen fuer Innovationsstrategien in Richtung auf einen oekologischen Strukturwandel, bzw. eine nachhaltige Entwicklung.