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Palm harvest impacts in tropical forests (PALMS)

Das Projekt "Palm harvest impacts in tropical forests (PALMS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universitet Aarhus durchgeführt. Objective: Tropical forests harbour thousands of useful plants which are harvested and used in subsistence economies or traded in local, regional or international markets. The effect on the ecosystem is little known, and the forests resilience is badly understood. Palms are the most useful group of plants in tropical American forests and we will study the effect of extraction and trade of palms on forest in the western Amazon, the Andes and the Pacific lowlands. We will determine the size of the resource by making palm community studies in the different forest formations and determine the number of species and individuals of all palm species. The genetic structure of useful palm species will be studied to determine how much harvesting of the species contributes to genetic erosion of its populations, and whether extraction can be made without harm. We then determine how much palms are used for subsistence purposes by carrying out quantitative, ethnobotanical research in different forest types and then we study trade patterns for palm products from local markets to markets which involve export to other countries and continents. Palm populations are managed in various ways from sustainable ones to destructive harvesting; we will study different ways in which palms are managed and propose sustainable methods to local farmers, local governments, NGOs and other interested parties. Finally we will study national level mechanism that governs extraction, trade and commercialization of palm products, to identify positive and negative policies in relation to resilience of ecosystems and use this to propose sustainable policies to the governments. The results will be disseminated in a variety of ways, depending on need and stake holders, from popular leaflets and videos for farmers, reports for policy makers to scientific publication for the research community. The team behind the proposal represents 10 universities and research institutions in Europe and northwestern South America.

Arctic biodiversity and indigenous people of Eastern Siberia in a changing climate

Das Projekt "Arctic biodiversity and indigenous people of Eastern Siberia in a changing climate" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. Global warming, occurred from the 2nd half of the 20th century, has already intensively influenced on the Earths biota (Climate change, 2005). The average temperature of the planets surface, expected to rise further, will impact more on biological processes in the biosphere in particular and on the ecological situation of the whole planet. Climate change is expected to affect not only biological processes, but also every sector of society. In the short-run some of these impacts could be profitable, however in the longer term most of the effects could be harmful to local communities and society as a whole. Arctic regions are sensitive to climatic change because global warming is mostly noticeable at high latitudes, and Arctic processes are particularly vulnerable to effects of temperature (Chapin et al, 2009). This investigation is planned to be carried out in the Arctic regions of Eastern Siberia, Russia. Arctic indigenous people are dependent on subsistent harvesting. And changes in environment may cause severe changes to their livelihood. Therefore it is vital to conduct this investigation to get insights about subsistence practices of the Arctic inhabitants, the relation of the indigenous population to the environment and changes referred to global warming in the region.