This series refers to datasets related to the potential occurrence of a climate-induced physical event or trend that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision, ecosystems and environmental resources. It includes datasets on flooding, drought, urban heat island and heatwaves, extreme temperatures and precipitations, fire danger as well as climate suitability for vectors of infectious diseases. The datasets are part of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) accessible here:
This metadata refer to the dataset presenting the percentage change in the mean number of working hours in highly exposed occupations due to temperature change in four time periods (1995-2000; 2001-2005; 2006-2010; 2011-2015; 2016-2019) relative to the 1965-1994 baseline. The dataset combines sub-national labour supply and temperature and precipitation data to track the impact of temperature on labour supply (number of working hours) for highly exposed occupations (agriculture, forestry, mining and quarrying, construction).
This series refers to datasets related to climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerabilities in Europe based on the Lancet Countdown indicators on health and heat; extreme events and health; and climate-sensitive infectious disease.
This metadata refer to the dataset presenting the annual change in the heat vulnerability index by European country. This composite index ranges from 0 to 100, and considers the proportion of the population over 65, the prevalence of chronic diseases (chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes), and the proportion of urban population.