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Runoff and stable isotope data of the Wüstebach catchment

Wuestebach Testsite Soil Water Content Interpolation (film)

Soil moisture is measured continuously with the wireless sensor network SoilNet (Bogena et al., 2010). The sensor network in the Wuestebach test site was installed in 2008 and consists of 150 end device units. Soil moisture data are interpolated into a 5x5 m grid for each depth by Ordinary Kriging using the daily mean of the maximum value of the two sensors measurements at each depth. Obviously wrong data or data, which have been assigned as being incorrect are not used. Semivariograms are estimated for each time step and depth using a spherical model. Validity of the Kriging estimation is checked by cross validation. For each time step a reporting document is created and stored to allow for further analyses

Three Dimensional Soil biogeochemistry data of a Forested Catchment (Wuestebach)

This dataset provides detailed information on the three-dimensional variability of biogeochemical properties in Wustebach, a small headwater catchment in Germany. This catchment is situated within the National Park Eifel and is part of the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) project. The dataset includes pH, total P, plant available P , K, Mn, Fe, Na, C, N, S, Ca, NO3-N, SO4, Bulk density, gravimetric water content, particle size distributions and detailed soil descriptions.

A dataset for three-dimensional distribution of 39 elements including plant nutrients and other metals/metalloids in the soils of a forested headwater catchment

This second soil dataset provides detailed information on the three-dimensional variability of biogeochemical properties in Wustebach, a small headwater catchment in Germany. This catchment is situated within the National Park Eifel and is part of the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) project. The dataset includes concentrations of 39 elements in the catchment, including the plant nutrients and metals/metalloids. The present dataset is highly linked with the previous dataset on spatial heterogeneity and vertical distribution of nutrients at the same sampling locations (http://tinyurl.com/3DSoilBiogeochemistry).

