This series refers to datasets related to the presence of people; livelihoods; species or ecosystems; environmental functions, services, and resources; infrastructure; or economic, social, or cultural assets in places and settings that could be adversely affected by climate hazards, including flooding, wildfires and urban heat island effects. The datasets are part of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) accessible here:
This series refers to datasets related to the potential occurrence of a climate-induced physical event or trend that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision, ecosystems and environmental resources. It includes datasets on flooding, drought, urban heat island and heatwaves, extreme temperatures and precipitations, fire danger as well as climate suitability for vectors of infectious diseases. The datasets are part of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) accessible here:
The WISE WFD reference spatial datasets contain information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the monitoring sites located in surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The dataset includes EU Member States, Norway and Iceland.
This metadata refers to the whole content of GISCO reference database, which contains both public datasets (also available for the general public through and datasets to be used only internally by the EEA (typically, but not only, GISCO datasets at 1:100k).
These datasets represents a measure of intensification (nutrient, mangement pressure and pressure indicator) trend of agroecosystems. The nutrient input is a specific measure related to the intensification processes in the management of cropland and grassland ecosystems. The management pressure on cropland and grassland was calculated by combining information of nitrogen input from the Farm Structure Survey (FSS), the Corine Land Use/Land Cover dataset and other environmental characteristics such as topographic conditions, soil and climate conditions. The trend indicator is the share of cropland or grassland areas affected by internal Land Cover flows between CORINE changes, presented at NUTS3 level.
The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 2nd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See for further information on the WFD2016 reporting.
The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 1st River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the abovementioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 1st RBMPs which were due in 2010 (hereafter WFD2010). See for further information on the WFD2010 reporting.
The European inventory of Nationally designated areas holds information about designated areas and their designation types, which directly or indirectly create protected areas. The Nationally designated areas is the official source of protected area information from the 38 European member countries to the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA). The Nationally designated areas data can be queried online in the European Nature Information System (EUNIS). Two versions of the public dataset are provided. The full dataset includes the entire geographical coverage including nationally designated areas in overseas entities. The European dataset excludes the overseas entities. The datasets are accompanied by tabular data which 1) includes information on the nationally designated sites and designated boundaries for public dissemination; and 2) contains information about designation types and the national and international legislative instruments, which directly or indirectly create protected designated areas in Europe.
The datasets includes 1) the noise exposure data, 2) the noise contours data, 3) razterized noise contours data and 4) potential quiet areas all under the terms of the Environmental Noise Directive (END). Data covers the EEA32 member countries and the United Kingdom (excluding Turkey for the third round of noise mapping in 2017).
The WISE Water Accounts database contains 1) monthly water accounts for the years 1990-2015 for 117 European river basins extracted from the ECRINS functional river basin districts. The WISE Water Accounts database holds also 2) The Water Accounts Spatial Units dataset which is an extraction of the European catchments and Rivers network system (ECRINS), aggregation catchments and reference layers. It contains 117 river basins extracted from the ECRINS functional river basin districts (EcrAgg). The Ecrins river basin districts are delineated according to the hydrological thresholds and do not necessarily follow administrative boundaries. The main purpose of the data set is to display the EEA water accounts outputs at the river basin level.