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WMS Bike + Ride Anlagen Hamburg

Dieser Web Map Service (WMS) enthält die Lage der Fahrradabstellanlagen an Schnellbahnhaltestellen im Hamburger Stadtgebiet. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

WFS Bike + Ride Anlagen Hamburg

Dieser Web Feature Service (WFS) enthält die Lage der Fahrradabstellanlagen an Schnellbahnhaltestellen im Hamburger Stadtgebiet. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

Bike + Ride Anlagen Hamburg

Der Datensatz enthält die Lage der Fahrradabstellanlagen an Schnellbahnhaltestellen im Hamburger Stadtgebiet. Für jede Abstellanlage wird die Anzahl der öffentlichen Stellplätze (überdacht und nicht überdacht) und, wenn vorhanden, die Anzahl der abschließbaren Mietplätze angegeben.

WMS Verkehrsdaten (OpenData)

Web Map Service (WMS) mit Verkehrsdaten der Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation (BWVI) der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, die als OpenData abgegeben werden. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

WFS Verkehrsdaten (OpenData)

Web Feature Service (WFS) mit Verkehrsdaten der Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation (BWVI) der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, die als OpenData abgegeben werden. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

Processed seismic data of Cruise SO23 1982

In the framework of the IDOE-SEATAR (International Decade of Ocean Exploration - Studies of East Asia Tectonics and Resources) Program, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources carried out a geophysical survey in the Sulu Sea during the period from March 11, 1982 to April 15, 1982 using the German research vessel R/V SONNE. The SONNE cruise no. SO-23 continued SEATAR-related studies of BGR which have been carried out during the Southeast Asian Cruise of the VALDIVIA (VA-16) in 1977. During SONNE cruise no. SO-23, multi-channel reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, and sea-beam measurements on 21 lines with a total length of 3,300 km in the Sulu Sea. In the NW Sulu Basin, situated between the shelf of East Palawan in the north and the volcanic Cagayan Ridge in the south, a 50 - 100 km wide graben-like basin exists which is filled with thick Neogene and pre-Middle Miocene sediments. The basin trends east-northeast. At longitude 119°E it bends to a north-south direction. The dominating structural element within the sedimentary graben-like basin is a diapiric-chaotic zone about 25 km wide, which was only detectable west of longitude 120°E. The base of the elongated diapiric-chaotic zone, which might represent a tectonically mobilized equivalent of the Crocker Formation (Middle Miocene - Lower Oligocene) is difficult to define in the seismic monitor records. The configuration and the internal structural style of individual structures of the diapiric-chaotic zone, which can be followed over length of about 150 km, seem to resemble those of the oil-bearing province offshore western Sabah. In the eastern part of the NW-Sulu Basin east of longitude 119°E, several north-trending anticlines of presumably Middle Miocene age and locally volcanic intrusions of presumably Plio-Pleistocene age have been observed. During the second leg of the cruise SO-23 in the southeastern part of the South China Sea (April 16, 1982, to May 9, 1982) multi-channel seismic reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, and sea-beam measurements on 19 lines with a total length of 3,570 km in the southeastern part of the South China Sea, including the area of the Dangerous Grounds. In addition, 2,280 km of profile was surveyed with only magnetics, gravity, and sea-beam measurements. A complex structural style was observed in the investigated part of the Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea, which is believed to be part of a microcontinental block which rifted from the continental margin of Asia in the Early Paleogene/Late Mesozoic time. There are prospective depocenters and structures trending NE-SW, E-W, and N-S in the southwestern part, i.e. the area west of longitude 117.5°E (units 2, 3, 4). Unit 4 contains a series of half-grabens with thick sedimentary infill. An imbricated melange of pre-Middle Miocene age seems to exist only off southern Palawan. The dominating structural trend in the area northeast of Reed Bank is NW-SE. Oceanic crust characterized by NW-trending magnetic lineations (anomalies 8 to 12 ?) was observed north of latitude 12°N and between longitude 118°E and the Manila Trench.

Processed seismic data of Cruise SO197 RISE 2008

The aims of cruise SO197 RISE (Rift Processes in the South China Sea) with RV SONNE from Manila, 28th March 2008 to Singapore, 2nd May 2008 are (1) To gain a better understanding of the processes leading to continental breakup and subsequently formation of oceanic crust. (2) To study the evolution of the South China Sea oceanic basin. The South China Sea is particularly well suited for studying rift processes at the transition from extension of continental lithosphere to the formation of oceanic crust. This relatively young marginal basin is currently in a stadium which is characterised by still preserved differences in subsidence and thermal history resulting from rifting. The initial, complex and hardly quantifiable rift processes, however are long enough ago. The area under study comprises the eastern subbasin of the South China Sea, the West Luzon Basin and the transition area from oceanic crust to extended continental crust between the continental blocks of Reed Bank and the islands of Palawan/Calamian Group. By including existing data of earlier cruises (SO-23, -27, -49) a comparison of conjugated margin transects is intended later within the project. A major goal of the project is to study structures at the transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading and processes resulting from extension of continental lithosphere to the formation of oceanic crust in time and space. The sequence stratigraphy of the synrift and drift sediments will give insights into the formation and evolution of the individual rift basins. The distribution and thickness of the postrift sediments on the continental fragment of the NW Palawan area define the subsidence history. The depth and topography of the Moho show the location of the stretched and thinned crust. By a joint interpretation of the structural setting, the position, distribution and architecture of the basin bounding faults a reasonable rift model will be derived. In addition, we will investigate the transition of a passive rifted margin (off Palawan) to a convergent margin (off Luzon). The timing of the evolution of the South China Sea basin will be more exactly determined by comparing the magnetic anomalies from the eastern subbasin of the South China Sea with existing data from the central/western basin. Particularly the question of a symmetric/asymmetric opening of the oceanic basin and the timing and location of the individual rift/drift episodes will be investigated. Therefore, we investigated rift structures at the southeastern margin of the South China Sea by means of reflection seismology, gravity, magnetics, bathymetry and sediment echosounder and we performed magnetic measurements to identify seafloor spreading anomalies in the eastern subbasin of the South China Sea.

Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR84 1984

In the southwestern part of the Sulu Sea and in the southeastern part of the South China Sea, between NW Palawan and the northwestern part of the Reed Bank the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover carried out the geophysical survey BGR84 from 11th October, 1984 to 23rd November, 1984. This work was done in close cooperation with the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences (BMG), Manila, using the German seismic vessel EXPLORA chartered from PRAKLA-SEISMOS GmbH, Hannover. Multichannel reflection seismic measurements were carried out on 40 lines with a total length of 4,467 km simultaneously with magnetic measurements on 19 lines with a total length of 3,047 km. The Oligocene to lower Miocene Nido-carbonates of the South China Sea that have been proven during the SONNE cruises SO-23 and SO-27 beneath the allochthonous and chaotically deformed complex which was overthrusted from the Sulu Sea terrane, could be correlated up to the Balabac Straits. The three major unconformities of the Sulu Sea, unconformity A (Early Pliocene), unconformity B (mid Middle Miocene) and unconformity C (lower Middle Miocene) have been correlated over extensive areas by tying into the Sulu Sea well Coral-1. In the Sulu Sea reflection horizon C forms the top of a chaotic bedded rock complex and presumably represents an equivalent to the unconformity "Red" of the South China Sea, in the west of Palawan. There, the unconformity "Red" forms the surface of a highly deformed rock complex which has been interpreted as an allochthonous mass accumulation (HINZ, 1983; HINZ & SCHLÜTER, 1985). It is assumed that pronounced magnetic anomalies, approximately 140 - 160 km off NW Palawan as well as a change in the reflection seismic pattern of the acoustic basement, associated with diapiric structures which are interpreted as intrusions represent the ocean-continent boundary in this part of the South China Sea. In the Reed Bank area the basement type which is interpreted as continental crust (transitional crust?) extends as far as 160 km to the northwest, towards the South China Sea Basin. The northern part of the Reed Bank is characterized by intense downfaulting and rotated fault blocks with reef complexes ontop. In contrast to results from the Dangerous Grounds of the previous SONNE cruises, the deeper lying coherent reflections could be recognized in the monitor records off the northwestern Reed Bank area. It might be that these parts of the Reed Bank block consists of metamorphized and/or highly consolidated rocks of pre-Tertiary age which originally formed part of the Chinese back country, and which was effected by previous orogenies prior to the rifting of the proto-China continental margin.

Karte der oberflächennahen Rohstoffe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1:200.000 (KOR200) - CC 7942 Passau

Die Karte oberflächennaher Rohstoffe 1:200.000 (KOR 200) ist ein Kartenwerk, das gemeinsam von der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe und den Staatlichen Geologischen Diensten der Länder (SGD) im Auftrag des Bundesministers für Wirtschaft und Arbeit auf Beschluss der Länderwirtschafts­minister vom 22. Juni 1984 erarbeitet wird. Das Kartenwerk folgt dem Blattschnitt der topographischen Übersichtskarte 1:200.000 (TÜK 200) und besteht aus 55 Kartenblättern mit jeweils einem Erläuterungsheft. Es erfolgt eine Bestandsaufnahme, Beschreibung, Darstellung und Dokumentation der Vorkommen und Lagerstätten von mineralischen Rohstoffe, die üblicherweise im Tagebau bzw. an oder nahe der Erdoberfläche gewonnen werden. Im Besonderen sind dies Industrieminerale, Steine und Erden, Torfe, Braunkohle, Ölschiefer und Solen. Die Darstellung der oberflächennahen Rohstoffe und die zusätzlichen schriftlichen Informationen sind für die Erarbeitung überregionaler, bundesweiter Planungsunterlagen, die die Nutzung oberflächennaher mineralischer Rohstoffe berühren, unentbehrlich. Auf der Karte sind neben den umgrenzten, je nach Rohstoff farblich unterschiedlich dargestellten Lagerstätten- bzw. Rohstoffflächen "Abbaustellen" (=Betriebe) bzw. "Schwerpunkte mehrerer Abbaustellen" mit je einem Symbol dargestellt. Die Eintragungen in der Karte werden ergänzt durch Texterläuterungen. Die Erläuterungsbände haben üblicherweise einen Umfang von 40 - 80 Seiten und sind derzeit nur in der gedruckten Ausgabe der Karte verfügbar. Der Text ist gegliedert in: - Einführung - Beschreibung der Lagerstätten und Vorkommen nutzbarer Gesteine - Rohstoffwirtschaftliche Bewertung der Lagerstätten und Vorkommen oberflächennaher Rohstoffe im Blattgebiet - Verwertungsmöglichkeiten der im Blattgebiet vorkommenden nutzbaren Gesteine - Schriftenverzeichnis - Anhang (u. a. mit Generallegende und Blattübersicht) Die KOR 200 stellt somit die Rohstoffpotentiale in Deutschland in bundesweit vergleichbarer Weise dar und liefert eine Grundlage für künftige Such- und Erkundungsarbeiten sowie einen Beitrag zur Sicherung der Rohstoffversorgung.

Luftdaten der Station Ried (DEHE110) in Freifläche im Wald

Dieser Datensatz enthält Information zu gas- und partikelförmigen Schadstoffen. Verfügbare Auswertungen der Schadstoffe sind: Tagesmittel, Ein-Stunden-Mittelwert, Ein-Stunden-Tagesmaxima, Acht-Stunden-Mittelwert, Acht-Stunden-Tagesmaxima, Tagesmittel (stündlich gleitend). Diese werden mehrmals täglich von Fachleuten an Messstationen der Bundesländer und des Umweltbundesamtes ermittelt. Schon kurz nach der Messung können Sie sich hier mit Hilfe von deutschlandweiten Karten und Verlaufsgrafiken über aktuelle Messwerte und Vorhersagen informieren und Stationswerte der letzten Jahre einsehen. Neben der Information über die aktuelle Luftqualität umfasst das Luftdatenportal auch zeitliche Verläufe der Schadstoffkonzentrationen, tabellarische Auflistungen der Belastungssituation an den deutschen Messstationen, einen Index zur Luftqualität sowie Jahresbilanzen für die einzelnen Schadstoffe.

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